- commit murder and arson 杀人放火
- How can men commit a murder and go scot-free? "岂有这样放屁的事!打死人命就白白的走了,再拿不来的!"
- Murder and blasphemy are mortal sins. 谋杀和亵渎神明的言词都是不可饶恕的大罪。
- Murder and stealing are criminal acts. 谋杀和偷盗都是犯罪行为。
- The jury convicted the accused man of theft and arson. 陪审团判决被告犯有偷窃和纵火罪。
- She drove him on to commit murder. 她唆使他去杀人。
- Being cruel, guileful, and unscrupulous, the terrorist committed all manners of crimes including murder and arson。 那个恐怖分子残酷、奸诈、肆无忌惮,杀人放火,无恶不做。
- He committed murder in cold blood. 他犯了蓄意杀人罪。
- Murder and burglary cases are increasing. 谋杀和夜盗案件在增加。
- Murder and swindling are crimes. 谋杀和诈骗是犯罪的行为。
- Zarqawi had a long history of murder and bloodshed. 扎卡维的一生充斥着谋杀和血腥。
- commit murder, arson and every crime imaginable 杀人放火,无恶不作
- It is decided supernaturally that he will commit the murder and the incest. 他将犯下杀人和乱伦之罪,这在冥冥之中就已经决定了。
- He is tried for murder and sentence to life imprisonment. 他因谋杀而受审并被判决长期监禁。
- Used as a punishment for people under a disability and children who commit murder. 用它作为对独生子罪伤残人或儿童的惩罚。
- He was tried for murder and sentenced to life imprisonment. 他因谋杀而受审并被判决长期监禁。
- However, the band was so wanton with its rape, torture, murder, pillage and arson that the British were embarrassed, and it was disbanded in 1782. 不过,由于这支游击队肆意强奸妇女,动用酷刑,杀人越货,纵火行凶,英国也感丢脸,一七八二年令他们解散。
- He was implicated in a murder and sooner or later they would pick him up. 她参与了一起谋杀案,迟早他们会找到他并将他逮捕。
- commit rape, arson and murder and all kinds of evil 奸淫烧杀, 无恶不作
- He was sent to jail for committing murder. 他因犯谋杀罪而坐牢。