- commit no violence towards 不对 ... 施加暴力
- He implored we commit no nuisance in his house. 他请求我们别在他房子里乱扔垃圾。
- Commit no nuisance! 此处不准大小便!
- A person is guilty of affray if he uses or threatens to use unlawful violence towards another, and his conduct is such that a reasonable person who happens to be presented may fear for his safety. 若一个人对另一个人使用或威胁使用非法暴力而且他的行为使一个在场的正常人为自己的安全担心时,他就犯有在公共场所斗殴罪。
- Violence toward a family member, including child abuse or wife beating. 对家庭成员施加的暴力,包括虐待儿童和殴打妻子。
- Commit no excesses in your religion: Nor say of Allah aught but the truth. 你们对于自己的宗教不要过分,对于真主不要说无理的话。
- General Bizimungu: I committed no war crimes. 我不认为自己是战争的罪人。
- The referee's decision left the crowd baying for blood(= threatening violence towards him). 裁判的裁决引起群众怒吼着要暴力相向。
- Guards escorted them off the grounds with no violence, she told the Rocky Mountain News. 她告诉落矶山新闻报说,监狱守卫护送他们离场,没有爆发冲突。
- There is a long, ignominious tradition in this nation of violence toward newcomers. 这个国家有个不光彩的传统,那就是对于初来乍到者的不友好。
- Committing no mistakes; consistently accurate. 不犯错误的;一贯准确的
- Prosecution lawyers claim he has a penchant for guns and violence towards women who spurned him. 控方的律师称,斯别克特遭到女人拒绝时,有使用暴力甚至是枪支的倾向。
- Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law. 你就是不奸淫,却杀人,仍是成了犯律法的。
- He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth. 他虽然未行强暴,口中也没有诡15诈,人还使他与恶人同16埋;谁知死的时候,与财主同葬。
- And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. 他虽然未行强暴,口中也没有诡诈,人还使他与恶人同埋。谁知死的时候与财主同葬。
- Before she met Petruchio, Kate was a head-strong shrew, dominating her family by using harsh words and violence toward them. 许许多多的人都指出社会上两性歧视的问题,但世界却仍维持著不公平的模样。
- The game, which has no violence or sex, lets computer users 1)manipulate little cyberpeople, almost like they're in a dollhouse. 游戏没有暴力和色情内容,玩者控制虚拟人的一举一动,就像在儿童游乐室一样。
- The Egyptian government has recalled its ambassador to Algeria following complaints about violence towards football fans, reports say. 报道称,因与阿尔及利亚足球粉丝之间的暴力事件,埃及政府召回驻阿尔及利亚大使。
- For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill.Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law. 雅2:11原来那说不可奸淫的、也说不可杀人.你就是不奸淫、却杀人、仍是成了犯律法的。
- China's violence toward the Tibetan minority and its own citizens, its support of Sudan's genocidal regime, and its harmful environmental policies are surely unacceptable. 中国对国民的暴力,对苏丹政权的支持以及它有害的环境政策都肯定是不可接受的。