- There are men who would even be afraid to commit themselves on the doctrine that castor oil is a laxative. 竟然还有些人连对蓖麻籽油是轻泻剂这么清楚的事实也害怕表示自己的意见。
- There is men who will even is afraid to commit themselves on the doctrine that castor oil is a laxative. 竟然还有些人连对蓖麻籽油是倾泻剂这么清楚的事实也害怕表示自己的意见。
- There are men who will even be afraid to commit themselves on the doctrine that castor oil is a laxative. 竟然还有些人连对蓖麻籽油是倾泻剂这么清楚的事实也害怕表示自己的意见。
- There are men who will even be afraid to commit themselves on the doctrine that castor oil is a laxative . 竟然还有些人连对蓖麻籽油是倾泻剂这么清楚的事实也害怕表示自己的意见。
- They are sunning themselves on the beach. 他们在海滩上晒太阳。
- Little birds perch themselves on the branches. 小鸟儿栖歇在树枝上。
- Everybody enjoyed themselves on vacation. 假期里大家都过得很愉快。
- They were reluctant to commit themselves to any definite proposals. 他们不原意负责提出任何明确的建议。
- The herdsmen camped themselves on the grasslands. 牧民们在草原上扎营住宿。
- His words impressed themselves on our memory. 他的话铭刻在我们的记忆。
- The children gorged themselves on icecream. 小孩在贪婪地吃着冰淇淋。
- Some people marry into families rather than commit themselves to a partner. 婚姻让一些人成为一个家庭的一员,而非将自己托付给一个伴侣。
- His words impressed themselves on my memory. 他的话铭刻在我的记忆里.
- Her words impressed themselves on my memory. 她的话语我铭记在心里。
- Some actors never watch themselves on screen. 有的演员从来不看自己拍的戏。
- They enjoyed themselves on Children's Day. 他们在儿童节那天玩得很开心。
- They seated themselves on two stumps. 他们在两只树桩上坐了下来。
- But in those uncertain days about two weeks ago,most of the exporters at our end didn't want to commit themselves. 但是两个星期前,还是捉摸不定。我们那边的大多数出口商都不愿意承担责任。
- The soldiers threw themselves on the enemy. 战士们敌人猛扑过去。
- Children will be happier and adults more willing to commit themselves to their professions. 孩子们会更快乐,成人们也更愿意专心于自己的事业。