- commitment before WTO entry 入世承诺
- WTO Entry Impact on Job Market in China? 中国入世对百姓就业有何影响?
- What Does WTO Entry Mean to China's Bonded Zones? 加入WTO对中国保税区意味着什么?
- Supreme court gets ready for WTO entry. 高等法院做好加入世界贸易组织准备。
- WTO How Should Retail Businesses respond to WTO Entry? 商业零售业如何应对?
- Never make a commitment before meticulous deliberation. 凡事深思熟虑后再做出承诺。
- Influences on China's Media Industry after WTO Entry? 加入WTO给中国广播影视业带来什么?
- WTO entry is no panacea for Vietnam's economy, however. 然而加入世贸组织对越南经济并不是万能良药。
- In accordance with its commitment on cultural market access after WTO entry, China will permit foreign investors to participate in the wholesale, retail sale and leasing of audio-visual products. 按照中国加入世贸组织文化市场准入方面的承诺,将开放外资进入音像制品的批发、零售、出租。
- The preparatory work for WTO entry should be done in a down-to-earth way. 要扎扎实实做好加入世贸组织的准备工作。
- Given its means of control,it is unlikely to allow the political impact of its WTO entry to lead to chaos. 但中国政府似乎相信能控制局面,以政府目前所拥有的政治控制手段,是绝不致于让入世对政治生活的冲击泛滥的。
- After China's WTO entry, the country's insurance sector will face more acute competition. 中国加入WTO将使中国保险业面临更加激烈的竞争。
- We expect that the creation effect of WTO entry will result in a surge in banking business on the Mainland. 我们预期中国入世的创造效应会令内地银行业务急速增长。
- Thinking About Trademark Protection of Traditional Chinese Medicine After WTO Entry. 加入世界贸易组织与中药商标保护的思考。
- Impact and countermeasure of WTO entry to accountant current situation in China. 加入WTO对我国会计现状的冲击与对策。
- Experts believe that in the long run China's WTO entry will exert positive influence in accelerating the. 专家们认为,从长远看,入世对中国加快实现国家农业现代化将产生积极影响。
- Of course, China's WTO entry will also bring about buffets to some trades and enterprises in varying degrees. 当然,加入世贸组织以后,也可能给中国的一些行业企业带来不同程度的冲击。
- Doing the preparatory work well for China's WTO entry to greet the new stage of opening-up. 四、做好加入世界贸易组织的各项准备工作,迎接对外开放新阶段。
- OBJECTIVE: To discuss the severe challanges confronted by pharmaceutical business of China after WTO entry. 目的:探讨加入世界贸易组织(WTO)后,我国医药商业将面临哪些严峻的挑战。
- Will we suffer for the improper acts we committed before we became enlightened? 一个人是否会因为开悟前所做的不当行为而受苦?