- name of commodity and specification 货物名称和规格
- Name of Commodity and Specifications 品名和规格
- And my goods and specification are consistent. 而我的货物与说明是一致的。
- In antiquity all metal was a valuable commodity and rarely wasted. 在古代,所有的金属都是贵重物品,很少被浪费。
- Commodity, Commodity and Specification,Origin, Q'ty,U. Price, Total Amount,FOB USA (USD), FREIGHT (USD), CNF CHINA (USD), TOTAL VALUE: SAY U.S. DOLLAR 1.;货物、品名及规格、产地、数量、单价、总价、美国离岸价(美元)、海运费(美元)、中国港口到岸价(美元)、总金额:美元
- Then will you like us to draw up general plan and specification ? 那么你们是否希望我们拟好大致计划和规格吗?
- There are various models and specif,ications for outlet and inlet. 进出线口有多种方式及规格。
- Can get the picture on cap with different size and specification. 关键字:,,。产品规格:可转印各大小,规格的帽子。
- Then will you like us to draw up general plan and specification? 那么你们是否希望我们拟好大致计划和规格吗?
- commodity and specification [化] 货名及规格
- He leaped down from the commode and seized his hat. 他从抽斗柜上跳下来,拿起他的帽子。
- CPA is a new and specific marker for RA. CPA对RA诊断有较好的敏感性和特异性,可作为RA的血清学诊断指标。
- Review mechanical drawings and specifications. 审核机械图纸和规范。
- Love is obstinate, and Specificity. 爱情是固执的;纯洁的.
- Producers of commodity and industrial chemicals, industrial gases, and paints. 日用及工业用化学产品,工业气体及涂料生产商。
- What is inquiry, quantity and specifications? (要求、数量、规格是什么?)
- Both the commode and the cat will be sparkling clean. 无论厕所还是猫都会干净的闪闪发光。
- The customs office supervises the export of commodities and goods. 海关对商品和货物出口执行监管。
- We want to buy Agro Commodities and Pepper / Other Spices. 我们要采购农产品日用品和胡椒粉/其他的药料。
- A person or firm that has bought the spot commodity and hedged with a sale of futures is said to be long the basis. 个人或公司在买入现货商品的同时又卖出期货合约进行套期保值称为买入基差。