- common collector output stage 共集输出级
- Features: High voltage, small collector output capacitance. 特点:耐压高,集电极输出电容小。
- A simple class-A/AB has been proposed in where the current of the output stage is signal dependent. 简单的一类A/AB被提出,在这一类中,输出阶段的电流是相互依赖的。
- This assumes the regular service work but nothing unusual such as dead transformers or output stage failure. 这是假设经常服务工作,但没有什么不寻常的,如死亡,变压器或输出阶段失败。
- The devices differ in addressing capability and current drive capacity for the output stage. 不同的设备在处理能力和电流驱动能力,输出级。
- For down-conversion mixer, folded-cascode output stage is used to increase conversion gain and reduce output noise. 通过采用折叠级联输出的方法降低了下混频器的输出噪声,同时提高了其转换增益。
- Fixed In the Output stage, the verifier now checks if the total length of the tracks is within the standard. 在“输出”阶段,将校验所有节目轨的总长度是否超出标准。
- common emitter common collector cascade 共射共集级联放大器
- The output stage can switch 20 mA over the full frequency response range of the sensor, and is compatible with TTL and CMOS logic circuits. 输出级可在传感器全频率响应范围内达到20 mA,且与TTL和CMOS逻辑电路兼容。
- In a conventional BJT output stage, quiescent current as such is of little importance. What is crucial is the voltage between the transistor emitters. 在一个常规的双极结晶体管输出阶段,静态电流(无信号电流)不太重要。关键是晶体管发射器之间的电压。
- All units have ETD to the output stage as the failure mechanism and this type of damage is typically observed as the result of a voltage transient. 在失效机制时,所有元件都有输出状况都有ETD,并且这种损伤是典型的电压短路造成的结果。
- Therefore, the performance good OCL power amplifier should by parts and so on input level, driver stage and output stage is composed. 因此,性能好的OCL功率放大器应由输入级、推动级和输出级等部分组成。
- At the output stage, the reason for introducing over-current-protection (OCP) and discontinuous inductor current mode (DICM) is shown. 在开关电源的输出级,分析了引入过流保护和非连续工作模式的原因。
- Based on traditional two-stage amplifier,cross-coupled class AB output stage and cascode compensation were adopted to improve output voltage swing and bandwidth. 在传统两级运放的基础上,采用交叉耦合的AB类输出级和共源共栅补偿,提高了输出摆幅和带宽,并通过数学工具对功耗进行了优化。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。
- Salt is a common food preservative. 盐是一种常用的食物防腐剂。
- The earliest IC op amp OUTPUT stages were NPN emitter followers with NPN current sources or resistive pull-downs, as shown in Figure 1.6. 最初的集成运算放大器的输出级是NPN电流源的NPN放射追随器或通过电阻下拉,如图1.;6所示。
- There is still no cure for the common cold. 目前仍没有治愈感冒的良药。
- Huxley, I feel, has much in common with Wells. 我觉得赫胥黎和威尔士有很多共同之处。
- common collector input stage 共集输入级