- No, maybe some day, but it will be lowest common denominator. 现在不能,将来某一天可能行,但这种可能性将是最小的。
- No,maybe some day,but it will be lowest common denominator. 现在不能,将来某一天可能行,但这种可能性将是最小的。
- The school syllabus seems aimed at the lowest common denominator. 学校的教学大纲似乎是针对接受能力最差的学生制定的。
- It's all mixed up, and I don't know that anyone can find a common denominator. 意见很多,我不知道有谁能找到共同点。
- It's all mixed up,and I don't know that anyone can find a common denominator. 意见很多,我不知道有谁能找到共同点。
- As you say, the only common denominator is their internal implementation. 正如你所说,唯一的共同点是它们的内部实现。
- However, I know that the truth is a common denominator for all people. 不过我相信,人们的真心是相通的
- Dedication to the cause of communism is the common denominator of the Chinese revolutionaries. 献身于共产主义事业是中国革命者的共同特点。
- Matters of judgement reduced to the lowest common denominator acceptable to a majority of the voters. 需要裁决的事务被降低到大多数投票人所能接受的最低标准。
- As the world gets smaller, English serves as the common denominator for communication. 随著世界变小,英语成为人们沟通的桥梁。
- Environmental toxins may be a common denominator here, according to Davis and her colleagues. 据戴维斯博士和她的同事们介绍,环境中的有毒物质可能是造成男孩出生数量下降的共同原因。
- The common denominator of all existing replication systems is the need to keep the proper state of the system. 数据复制系统最基本的要求是要做到确保系统处于正确的状态。
- Money is the common denominator in which accounting measurements are made and summarized. 货币是进行会计计量和汇总的共同特性。
- It’s all mixed up, and I don’t know that anyone can find a common denominator. 意见很多,我不知道有谁能找到共同点。
- With estimating the numerator of the new SIMO model transfer function first and the common denominator later, the parameter estimation of the original SISO model is obtained. 再估计出这个新的单输入多输出系统的传递函数,最后得到原单输入单输出系统的模型参数。
- Regardless of the sales pitches, remember that the lowest common denominator in Internet security is people not technology. 别管兜揽生意的话,记住英特网安全中的最小公分母是人而不是技术。
- Thus, the common denominator of all carcinogens seems to be their initiation of random aneuploidy. 因此,所有致癌物质的共通点,似乎是它们都能随机引起非整倍体。
- The common denominator in this group of gay and straight girls is Susan: all of the campers are exes of hers. 车祸中的另外两个看上去显然不怎麽正经的男人当场丧命,而丽塔则幸运地死里逃生。
- This dollar was used as the common denominator of the value of capital subscriptions for the Bank and Fund. 这种美元一直用作为世界银行和国际货币基金组织认购股份的价值的共同标准。
- Marriage and the biggest common denominator is the first company must invest a lot of money to build it. 婚姻和公司最大的共同点就是先期一定要投入大量的资金来搭建它。