- This is the common desire of our two peoples. 这是我们两国人民的共同愿望。
- We shared with the common desire. 这是我们的共同愿望。
- We share a common desire to make our country rich and its people live in peace. 富国安民是我们共同的愿望。
- Americans of this era shared a common desire to better themselves through economic participation. 这个时代的美国人有一个共同的愿望,那就是通过参加经济活动来改善自己的状况。
- As a matter of fact, opening up a new market is the common desire for both sellers and buyers. 事实上,开拓一个市场是买卖双方共同的愿望。
- It is the common desire and solicitous for 1.2 billion Chinese to hold the 2010 World Expro. 举办2010年世界博览会,是12亿多中国人民的共同心愿和热切期盼。
- It seems nowadays, amatter of universal desire that povety should be abolished.Nowadays it seems to be a common desire to wipe out poverty. 今天人们好像普遍希望消除贫困。
- Today, the Olympics already became the universe one kind of common desire, one kind of common anticipation, one kind of common wish. 今天,奥林匹克已经成为全人类的一种共同的愿望、一种共同的期待,一种共同的祝愿。
- It is our common desire that we should resolve differences through dialogue and mutual trust and enhance our cooperative relations. 通过对话和相互信任以消除分歧;增强我们的合作关系,这是我们的共同愿望.
- Ever since the Opium War,reunification has been the common desire not just of one political party or group but of the whole Chinese nation,including the people in Taiwan. 从鸦片战争以来,中国的统一是包括台湾人民在内的中华民族的共同愿望,不是哪个党哪个派,而是整个民族的愿望。
- Ever since the Opium War, reunification has been the common desire not just of one political party or group but of the whole Chinese nation, including the people in Taiwan. 从鸦片战争以来,中国的统一是包括台湾人民在内的中华民族的共同愿望,不是哪个党哪个派,而是整个民族的愿望。
- Our socialist, modernization requaires a peaceful international environment. The preservation of peace is the common desire of the peoples of China and the rest of the world. 我们的社会主义现代化建设需要一个和平的国际环境。保卫和平是中国各族人民及世界人民的共同愿望。
- This is our common desire. 这是我们的共同愿望。
- But Mr. Crocker said at a news conference afterward that the meeting “proceeded positively” and was “business-like.” Both sides, he said, articulated a common desire to help stabilize Iraq. 但是克罗克在后来的记者招待会上称,这次会谈很有效,肯定会继续。他说,双方有一个共同的愿望是要帮助稳定伊拉克
- The common desire of domestic reserves supervision circle is how to improve the research level and allow reserves report to hold its important space in scientific report appraisal. 如何借新分类标准颁布之契机,进一步提高储量研究水平,使储量报告在科研成果评定中占有一席之地是储量界同仁的共同愿望。
- How to reinforce the construction site management, reduce the costs of construction, improve the economic benefit?This is the common desire and drang of our country"s road construction enterprises. 如何加强施工现场管理工作,降低施工成本,提高经济效益,这是我国公路施工企业的共同心愿和迫切要求。
- It is our common desire that we should resolve differences through dialoguesmutual trust, enhance our cooperative relations,form a new partnership in the interest of the peoples of our two countries. 通过对话和相互信任以消除分歧、增强的合作关系,从两国人民的利益出发建立新的伙伴关系,这是的共同愿望。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。
- Salt is a common food preservative. 盐是一种常用的食物防腐剂。
- There is still no cure for the common cold. 目前仍没有治愈感冒的良药。