- Justified violations also exist in common morality. 普通道德中也存在正当的违反。
- It is the common moral principle abided by Chinese and Western great thinkers. 中西方文化的差异性必然影响到诚信这一道德准则的不同。
- Therefore, "the goal of common morality is to lessen the amount of harm suffered by those protected by it". 因此,“普遍道德的宗旨即减少在其保护之下的人们受到的损害”。
- Therefore,"the goal of common morality is to lessen the amount of harm suffered by those protected by it". 因此,“普遍道德的宗旨即减少在其保护之下的人们受到的损害”。
- We had somehow caught the spirit of the role of our sex and we flocked together for common moral schooling. 我们似乎已经了解了我们性别作用的精神实质而现在为了共同的道德教育我们聚到一起了。
- Any attempt to resolve moral issues involving new information from the Human Genome Project requires direct, clear, and total understanding of common morality. 想要解决涉及人类基因组计划新信息的道德问题,必须对普遍道德观有一个直接的、清晰的、总体的了解。
- We need common moral behavior standard,set up right value view,realize harmonious devel... 可持续发展理论的提出,也促进思想政治教育理论新的发展和变化。
- Any attempt to resolve moral issues involving new information from the Human Genome Project requires direct,clear,and total understanding of common morality. 想要解决涉及人类基因组计划新信息的道德问题,必须对普遍道德观有一个直接的、清晰的、总体的了解。
- Socialist core value system, as the common moral base for unity and striving of all ethnic groups in China, is the predominant national ideology. 摘要社会主义核心价值体系,是我国各族人民团结奋斗的共同思想基础,是占支配地位的国家主流意识形态。
- The justifiable violations that genetic information is based on depend on the common morality which is based on the public system which is based on the decisions of right and wrong. 遗传信息所依据的正当侵犯取决于普遍道德,而以是非评判为基础的公共秩序又是普遍道德建立的基础。
- Based on the pattern of common morality, the issues of genetic race or class distinction or any other controversies involving the Human Genome Project can be put to a set of common moral standards. 根据普遍道德的模式,种族或阶层的遗传鉴别或其它任何涉及人类基因组计划的争论都能够依靠一套普遍道德标准来衡量。
- The tall man frowns and thinks: Any host would not say this words to a guest even if she dislike him, furthermore, to save a dying person in a common moral in the desert or sea. (高个子微微皱了一下眉头,心中暗道:任何主人哪怕再不欢迎客人应该也不会如此说话吧,更何况,在沙漠或是海洋中救助临死的人也是基本的道德准则和惯例啊。
- Based on the pattern of common morality,the issues of genetic race or class distinction or any other controversies involving the Human Genome Project can be put to a set of common moral standards. 根据普遍道德的模式,种族或阶层的遗传鉴别或其它任何涉及人类基因组计划的争论都能够依靠一套普遍道德标准来衡量。
- I'm an outgoing girl with common moral quality, not ingenuous but timid.I can not be hardhearted enough to kill people even if it is legal.In a word, I'm a good human race in this world. 性格开朗,人品**开,不算老实,但天生胆小,杀人不犯法我也下不去手,总体而言属于对人群对社会有益无害的一类。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。
- Just like in the game,a change in the rules causes acceptance,morality can be viewed not as an evil by the public perception but as a decision backed by common morals. 正如在游戏中规则的改变获得承认,在公众意识中道德并不是邪恶,而是符合普通道德规范的决定。
- Salt is a common food preservative. 盐是一种常用的食物防腐剂。
- There is still no cure for the common cold. 目前仍没有治愈感冒的良药。
- Huxley, I feel, has much in common with Wells. 我觉得赫胥黎和威尔士有很多共同之处。
- Rabbits and foxes are common in Britain. 兔子和狐狸在英国很常见。