- Each common room also has a large fireplace. 每一个公共休息室里都有一个大壁炉。
- Parkway Parade common room for rent. 在百汇广场有好房出租。为三层排屋。
- Keep calm,everyone. Break into fours. Back to your common room. 大家保持冷静.;分成四组;回到你们的公共教室去
- Blk 208, near Jurong east MRT, one common room is ready to rent. 大牌208,近裕廊东地铁,一间普通房出租。
- Penny Berrill, thejunior common room president, said: "I'm ecstatic. 三年级教员休息室主席彭妮·贝里尔说:"我太高兴了。
- When we get back to the common room tonight, we'll both have partners -agreed? 今晚返回公共休息室的时候,我们俩都会有舞伴的,是吧?
- To the south is a door leading to the Hufflepuff common room and the kitchens. 楼梯南边是一个通向赫奇帕奇公共休息室和厨房的大门。
- The common room contains a lot of squashy armchairs, a fireplace, and tables. 公共休息室中有很多又松又软的扶手椅,一个温暖的壁炉,还有很多张桌子。
- Here is our engineering office (drawing office, control room, laboratory, meeting room, common room, rest room). 这是我们的工程技术办公室(绘图室、调度室、实验室、会议室、座谈室、休息室)
- The noise from the Common Room miraculously extinguished with the closing of the door. 门一关上,公用室里的喧嚣就神奇地消失了。
- Tea Room : A small room which has tea making facilities or other refreshment facilities but is not furnished with tables and chairs as a common room. 茶水间:有烧制茶水设备及其它饮料设备的小房间,但不像一般茶室提供桌椅。
- You can have your meals, watch television, and enjoy various recreations in the common room. 您可以在休息室里吃饭、看电视以及进行各种各样的娱乐活动。
- Notices about who wants which card even appear on the Gryffindor notice-board, in the common room (OP17). 关于谁想要什么卡的布告曾出现在格栏分多公共休息室的公告板上。
- All of these are passwords to get into Gryffindor common room unless noted otherwise. 以下口令如果没有特殊说明,都曾是进入格兰芬多公共休息室的口令。
- Harry leaves the Hospital Wing, intending to go up to the seventh floor and the Gryffindor common room. 哈利离开医院,想上八楼去格兰芬多公共休息室。
- It is the first time Magdalen College Junior Common Room has changed its name during its 550 year history. 这是莫德林学院建院550年历史上首次变更学生休息室的名称。
- I think on set, it's probably in the scene when Harry and Seamus have an altercation in the Common Room in Order of the Phoenix. 他在片场做过的最有趣的事,我想可能是在哈5电影里拍那场哈利和西莫在公共休息室里口角的戏。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。
- Alumnus Wan Chung Yin and alumna Tam Wai Yan (PHY) have had their wedding ceremony at the Student Common Room in HSH Campus of the University.Wish them a happy marriage! 校友温颂贤及谭慧茵(物理)于二零零九年五月廿三日,于大学善衡校园学生休息室举行结婚典礼,谨祝温校友及谭校友新婚愉快、永结同心。
- Sir Cadogan spent some time guarding the Gryffindor Common Room when Sirius Black attacked the Fat Lady (he was the only painting brave enough to take the job). 众所周知,胖夫人对于吵醒她却没有好理由的人,或者想在深夜从她的洞口出去游荡走动的人是十分恼火的,她会让你进不了格兰芬多塔楼(???)