- Windmills are a common sight in Holland. 风车是荷兰常见的景色。
- Fish tanks are a common sight in homes and offices. 鱼缸是一个共同的视线,在家里和办公室。
- Baboons are a common sight all over the area. 狒狒更是常见的动物了。
- Armed policemen are a common sight on the streets of Manila. 警卫带枪,是菲律宾马尼拉街头常见的景象。
- A common sight during Lantern Festival is, of course, lanterns! 在元宵节常见的景物之一当然就是灯笼啰!
- Pipes and drug paraphernalia are a common sight in Israel. 查看:主题列表,主题摘要第1-10个主题,共有42700个往后
- Some kinds of birds which were once a common sight are now becoming rare. 一些曾经随处可见的鸟类现在日益稀少。
- Camel caravans were a common sight here until well into the 20th century. 这里,直到20世纪开始很久,骆驼商队依然四处可见。
- Suited salarymen napping, often standing up, are a common sight on crowded commuter trains. 西装革履的上班族在拥挤的上下班列车上站着睡觉在日本十分常见。
- A campaign worker distributing flyers is a common sight on the streets before an election. 竞选期间,散发传单的助选人员,是街头最常见的景观之一。
- Shrimp placed on sticks and then roasted over a fire are a common sight at night markets. 把活虾串在铁棍上,放在烧热的铁架上炙烤,也是夜市常见的一景。
- The farmers who work the paddies are graying and dwindling in number. Abandoned, overgrown plots are a common sight. 田里的耕作者年纪越来越大,人数越来越少。到处可见弃耕、杂草丛生的稻田。
- A common sight in Kuanhsi Township: the expansive green fields sectioned off into traditional rice paddies. 2. 图1:农村最常见的景观之一:阡陌中,土地公庙前香烟不断,道尽传统中国农民热爱土地、敬天顺命的天性。
- Wavebreaking manmade tetrapods piled up on the natural topography are becoming an increasingly common sight in Taiwan. 天然地质夹杂人工消波块,已成台湾海岸普遍可见的景观。
- The environmental impact this has is easy to see - fields of stumps are a common sight. 烧柴环境的影响显而易见,处处都可以看到一大片树的残干。
- Here a calf swims close to its mother in the Baffin Island fjords, a common sight in summer. 有时独角鲸可有两条象牙。
- Crowded streets and dusted air are such a common sight you can always take in most Asia cities. 亚洲城市似乎很难摆脱街道拥挤不堪、天空烟尘弥漫的景象。
- They are a common sight in inner-city America: homeless people, living in the streets and going hungry. 在美国内部城市有一普通现象:人们无家可归、流浪于街头同时伴随饥饿。
- It is a common sight to see groups of rebels toting Soviet-made Kalashnikov rifles and laden with heavy cartridge belts trudging into the mountains, en route to battle. 人们经常可以看到,成群结队的叛乱分子身扛苏制卡那希尼可夫式步枪,肩挎装得满满的子弹带,步履艰难地走进山里开赴前线。
- Their shiny Audi sedans and other luxury cars with official military plates are a common sight on the streets of Chinese cities. 挂着军队牌照的奥迪轿车和其他豪华车在中国许多城市街头随处可见。