- common site picketing 全工地遍设纠察线总罢工
- The most common site is the Base of the Big toe. 最常见的发作部位是拇趾末端关节。
- After the colon, the duodenum is the most common site for diverticulum. 继结肠源,十二指肠是憩室最多见的部位。
- The most common site of the vagina, is a form of postpartum hemorrhage. 临床最常见的部位为阴道,属产后出血的一种形式。
- The most common site of subperiosteal hemorrhage is the orbital roof. 它的位置几乎上都是在眼窝顶处。
- The typical picture of myxoma under echocardiography is a solid, dense echo mass and left atrium is the most common site to find it. 黏液瘤在超心波下常常以一实质肿瘤特徵表现,而囊肿性黏液瘤并不多见,仅有一些零星病例报告。
- There were 41 lesions. The commonest site was thorax and spine. 共检出41个病灶 ,胸部及脊柱检出率最高。
- DOAP needs to standardize these for the common sites. 对于常见的站点DOAP需要在这方面标准化。
- Nasal septums were the most common sites of bleeding. 结论:控制好血压是预防难治性自发性鼻出血的关键;
- The aortopulmonary window is a common site of lymphadenopathy in a variety of inflammatory and neoplastic diseases. 主肺动脉窗内常可见各种炎症和肿瘤疾病中的肿大淋巴结。
- Under endoscopy, gastric antrum was the most common site of the gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma. 内镜下病变主要分布在胃窦部,以隆起型和溃疡型表现为主。
- Constructed of wood and capable of flinging stones large enough to crush a man's head, the catapult was a common site on the ancient Roman battlefield. 投石器由木头组装而成,能够投掷出足以砸碎敌人头颅的燃烧的石头。
- The pancolitis was the most common site involved in UC (42.0%), while small intestine was the common affected site in CD (40.2%). UC的发病部位以全结肠最为常见(42.;0%25);CD以小肠型最为常见(40
- Our study suggest that the most common site of DAI in this experiment was the basal portion of the pons and superior cerebellar peduncle. 本实验中弥漫性轴突损伤的最常见部位是桥脑基底部和小脑上脚。
- The most commonly affected profession was aromatherapist.The most common site of initial involvement was the hand (70%). 而这些病人的职业以芳香治疗师最多,最常侵犯的起始部位是手部。
- Dolphins and whales are a common site in the sheltered bays, and the extensive wetlands are home to a large variety of birds. 这片海湾是海豚和鲸鱼的出没地,大面积的湿地里也栖息着种类繁多的鸟类。
- Other common sites include the gonadal, mediastinal, and cervical regions. 其它好发的部位包括生殖腺、纵隔腔和颈部。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。
- The renal capsule is the most common site of genitourinary tract involvement, but testis-associated leiomyomas are extremely rare with only 16 cases reported in the literature. 在泌尿生殖系统中以于肾被膜最为常见,但于?丸长出之平滑肌肉瘤则极为少见,目前由文献整理出仅有十六位病例。
- The basal ganglia were the most common site of infarction; the proportion with infarction after 60 days was haled in the dexamethasone group (27%s 58%, p=0.130). 基底神经节是梗塞的最常见位点;治疗60天后地塞米松组出现梗塞的比例减少一半(27%25:58%25;p=0.;130)。