- common source fet circuit 共源极场效应晶体管电路
- Coming from a common source; akin. 同宗的来自于共同祖先的; 同血亲的
- Coming from a common source;akin. 同宗的来自于共同祖先的;同血亲的
- Atlantic crab; most common source of fresh crabmeat. 大西洋产的螃蟹;新鲜蟹肉的最普通的来源。
- The iliac crest is a common source for autologous bone graft. 髂嵴是常用的自体取骨来源。
- Another very common source of skin allergies is the flea or mite bite. 其它皮肤过敏的非常共源极是蚤或小蜘蛛叮咬。
- Assemblies are the most common source of objects for Visual Basic applications. 程序集是Visual Basic应用程序的最常见对象源。。
- Distributed calls are a common source of slow application performance and errors. 分布式调用是应用程序性能低和出错误的一个常见源头。
- The result is less code and the elimination of a common source of errors when writing nested loops. 结果是当编写嵌套循环时更少的程序代码和消除了共同的错误源。
- Property is a common source of instance names that can contain invalid characters. 属性通常是可能包含无效字符的实例名称的来源。
- A common source object for the ObjectDataSource control is a strongly typed DataSet object. ObjectDataSource控件的公共源对象是强类型DataSet对象。
- Currently, this list of aspects must be maintained by hand, which is a common source of bugs. 目前,这个方面清单必须手工维护,这通常是容易出错的地方。
- For clinical using, human adult bone marrow (BM) is the most common source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). 成人骨髓是临床应用时最常见的间充质干细胞(MSC)的来源。
- The skunk is the most common source of exposure followed by cows in the state of Iowa. 臭鼬几乎是爱荷华州所有披露出来的牛染病毒的共同病源。
- Pain is one of the most common sources of increased sympathetic tone. 疼痛是交感神经兴奋性增强的最常见起因。
- Home kitchens are a common source of contamination, as pathogens from uncooked eggs, meat and egetables find their way onto countertops, utensils and cleaning tools. 家庭的厨房是传染的普遍来源,像没有煮熟蛋病原体、肉类和蔬菜的病原体常在背面,还有炊具和洗涤工具。
- The most common sources are coffee beans, cocoa beans, and kola nuts. 其最常见的来源为咖啡豆,可可豆以及可乐果。
- Unwanted electrical energy in a circuit that is unrelated to the desired signal, S-ources of noise are most often generated by some type of switching circuit,Common sources include switching voltage regulators and clocked sighals such as digitol crcuits. 指在一电路中与所要讯号无关的多余电能,杂讯的来源通常为某些形式的切换电路,常见的杂讯为切换式电压,调整器及时脉讯号,如一些数位电路。
- The use of the equipment as long as there is a common source of tap water, they can curing is completed, the heating or water cooling rapidly. 该设备只要使用现场有普通自来水源,即可在硫化完成后,对加热板通水快速冷却。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。