- common spoken Chinese teaching 普通话教学
- Traditional teaching of common spoken Chinese is a study pattern combining lessons with exercises and a kind of audio lingual teaching method. 传统普通话教学是讲练式学习模式,口耳相传式教学。
- Vivid forms of adjectives in yanshan dialect have distinct feature that differs from common spoken Chinese and other dialects. 摘要赣语铅山话形容词的生动形式与普通话及其它方言相比有鲜明特色。
- Views on teaching Common Spoken Chinese from its test 从普通话测试看师专普通话教学
- During the course of words of common spoken Chinese entering into Kaifeng Dialect, there is a state of imbalance, that is, some words in the common spoke. 在普通话词进入开封话的过程中,出现了进入的不平衡性,具体表现为一部分词较易进入开封话中,一部分词较难进入。
- popularize the common spoken Chinese 推广普通话
- From the Bilingualism to See the Common Spoken Chinese with Dialect 从双语并用看带方言味普通话
- On the Wrong and Deficiency in Test of Common Spoken Chinese 普通话水平测试中声韵调错误和缺陷的分析
- Thoughts on the Testing of Common Spoken Chinese and its Training 普通话水平测试与培训的几点思考
- She has spoken Chinese all her life. 她讲了一辈子中文。
- popularize the common speech (putong hua); popularize the common spoken Chinese 推广普通话
- Why Is Chinese Teaching Inefficient? 语文教学效率低下症结何在?
- Analysis and Study of the Conditions College students'Common Spoken Chinese and English in Henan Province 河南高校大学生普通话和英语口语状况的调查与分析
- Exemplification of Common Sentence Patterns in Spoken Chinese II. 汉语口语常用句式例解2。
- Analysis of the Modification of the Falling-rising Tone and the Atonicity in the Common spoken Chinese 普通话上声变调与轻声分析
- I couldn't speak Chinese, but I showed in mime that I wanted a drink. 我不会讲汉语,但我作摹拟动作表示要一杯饮料。
- My mother has spoken Chinese all her life. 我妈妈讲了一辈子中文。
- Facing Indifference, What Should We Do in Chinese Teaching? 面对情感冷漠,语文如何作为?
- Thought on the Test Work of the Common Spoken Chinese Language in Private College 民办院校开展普通话水平测试工作的一些思考
- Declamation is a traditional Chinese teaching method. 诵读教学是我国传统的语文教学方法。