- This is a common way to say good-bye. 这是告别时常讲的话。
- A common way of doing that is a futures contract. 一种常见的做法就是未来合同。
- This is the common way of trade. 这是贸易的通常做法。
- One very common way is to rub tow objects together. 一个常用的方法是摩擦两种物质。
- The most common way to create flashcards is to use index cards. 制作抽认卡最常用的方法是使用索引卡。
- A firm handshake is a common way to shake hands with others. 沉着有力的握手:常见的握手方式。
- This expression is a common way to ask someone to wait. 这是请人稍等的常用说法。
- The most common way to display information is the print statement. 显示信息的最常用方式是使用print语句。
- The most common way to transfer a pattern is to use carbon paper. 最常用的转印图案的方式是用复写纸。
- Letter writing was the only common way to send messages. 写信大部分是传送信息的唯一常用途径。
- This is a very casual and common way to greet someone. 这是非常随意且十分常见的问候他人的方式。
- Water closet flushing a common way siphoned-off ceremony and two. 坐厕的冲水方式常见的有直冲式和虹吸式两种。
- One common way of preserving fruit is to cook it with sugar, so making jam. 保存水果的一个普通方法是把水果用糖煮成果酱。
- A society is the largest group of people who share a common way of life. 社会是生活方式相同的一群人的大集体。
- A common way to pump ourselves up is to gloat over the stupidity of others. 看到他人的痛苦,我们感到自己还不算糟。
- Yard sale is a very common way to get rid of your unused stuffs in U.S.A.. 虽然这个单词接下去有点难,但熊猫猫的帖子还是要顶一下滴。
- Calm down,it's just the common way he speaks, he don't insult you at maning. 冷静点。那只是他说话的惯常方式,他并非有意要冒犯你。
- Price skimming is a common way of recapturing the cost of development. 并且,在技术人员和管理层人员的聘用方面,他们愿意采用雇佣猎头公司来挖人这种立竿见影的手段。
- The most common way of holding your Snowboard is to carry it like a book. 在雪道上扛雪板有很多方法,很重要的一点就是不要让你的雪板打到其他人或物体。
- Marring a Chinese is the most common way to get a resident status in China. 与中国人结婚是获得居留权的最常见的方法。