- How to Upgrading Mobile Communications Competence? 如何提升移动通信竞争优势?
- CCA is represented by intercultural communication competence and reflected in the actual use of language. 批评性文化意识表现为跨文化交流能力,体现在语言使用中。
- The main task of foreign language teaching is to develop students' intercultural communication competence and to carry on the effective communication. 外语教学的主要任务是培养学生的跨文化交际能力,进行有效的交际。
- The aim of this course is to help the students develop cultural awareness, and improve their intercultural communication competence. 本课程的目标是帮助学生形成文化意识,提高学生在不同文化间的沟通能力。
- Communicative competence is the desired goal for language learning. 社交能力也是种学习语言的目的。
- Components of Communicative Competence and ESL Teaching. 英语交际能力的构成和培养
- The target of this part is to improve the learner’s communication competence and foster their ability of “identifying the pronun-ciation through characters” gradually. 目标是建立日常说话的能力,逐步培养“见字识音”的能力。
- The cultivation of the intercultural communication competence is an inseparable part of the all-round development of language competence in college English teaching. 摘要跨文化交际能力的培养是大学英语教学中学生语言能力全面发展不可或缺的一个重要环节。
- Therefore, English teachers in vocational colleges should change their old teaching ideas and foster students' intercultural communication competence step by step. 因此高职英语教师要从根本上转变观念,逐步培养学生跨文化交际能力。
- The purpose of language learning is to use it for communication, then how to improve learners' communicative competence (CC) becomes one fundamental task for language teaching. 摘要学习语言的目的就是运用语言进行交际,因此,如何提高学生的交际能力成为外语教学的首要任务;
- In this article, the author puts forward suggestion on how to improve students' language communicative competence in intensive class. 在本文中,笔者就如何在精读课中提高学生的语言交际能力提出了几点建议。
- Mastery of their origins and interpretation is of great help to linguistic and communicative competence. 其中一些由人名构成的习语更是妙趣横生,让人回味无穷。
- The influence may be on pronunciation, sentence structures, vocabulary or various aspects of COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE. 发音、句子结构、词汇或交际能力的各个方面都可能受基础语言的影响。
- Pragmatic ability in a foreign language is part of nonnative speakers' (NNS) communicative competence. 摘要语用能力是沟通能力的一部分。
- Canale, M. 1983 "From Communicative competence to Communicative Language Pedagogy" In Richards, J. C. &Schmidt. 辛斌.;交际教学法:问题与思考[J]
- Hymes, D.H. (1971).On communicative competence[M].Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press. 侯国金.;英语语言学精要问答与考试指南[M]
- Communicative competence includes the ability to apply these rules to use language appropriately. 沟通能力包括应用这些规则以适当使用语言的能力。
- The aim of Japanese teaching is to cultivate the oral and witten communicative competence of students. 摘要日语教学的最终目的是培养学生运用日语进行书面和口语交际的能力。
- According to traditional approach, we can only improve the students communicative competence by means of audio-lingual approach? 传统的教学法认为,只有通过听说法、整体法和认知法才能培养学生的交际能力,而忽视了语法能力是交际能力的基础,是交际能力的一个重要组成部分。
- In English teaching, importance should be attached to improving students' communicative competence as well as teaching correct English. 在实际的英语教学中,在强调英语表达正确性的同时,更要重视学生的实际交际能力的提高。