- communication protocol layer 通信协议层
- IP is a "connection-less" communication protocol. IP是无连接的通讯协议。
- CAN bus is a serial communication protocol and adapts to bottom layer communication of distributed control system. CAN总线是一种串行通讯协议,适用于分布式控制系统的底层网络通信。
- The message communication protocol based on LAN is TCP/IP considering the UDP protocol in modeling central transportation layer. 在TCP/IP参考模型中以传输层的UDP协议作为局域网中报文通信的协议。
- The dialog protocol layer handles reliable, sequenced message transmission. 对话协议层处理可靠的、已编序的消息传输。
- WSDL is also the standard communication protocol for Web services. WSDL也是Web服务的标准通讯协议。
- The transport protocol layer handles the actual network transmission. 传输协议层处理实际的网络传输。
- Network communication protocol was implemented by CPLD. 利用可编程逻辑器件CPLD完成网络通信协议设计。
- Communication protocol reference rtos test.ini and Capriccio. 通讯协议参考rtos随想曲和test.
- This has no effect on lower protocol layers. 这对于较低的协议层没有影响。
- In this paper, we proposed an application layer communication protocol which was suitable for CAN(Controller Area Networks) bus based colliery safety monitoring systems. 针对煤矿安全监控系统中的CAN总线通讯,提出了一种适用于该系统的应用层通讯协议。
- An Implementation of TDMA communication protocol based on the embedded system. 基于嵌入式系统的时分多址通信协议的实现。
- A communication protocol used for direct connection between two computers. 直接用于在两台服务器之间进行交互的协议。
- Because nonblocking channels give no indication when a message has been fully read, we are forced to handle this at the protocol layer. 因为当全部读取消息时,非阻塞通道没有给出任何提示,所以强制我们在协议层处理这一情况。
- In the end, the CAN bus communication protocol of the system is provided. 最后给出该系统的CAN总线通信协议。
- TCP/IP is a large collection of different communication protocols. IP是一个包含不同通讯协议的大集合。
- The dialog protocol layer generates sequence numbers for messages, generates acknowledgement messages, delivers messages to the proper queues, and fragments and reassembles messages. 对话协议层生成消息的序列号、生成确认消息、向正确的队列传递消息并对消息进行分段和重组。
- PPP( Point to Point Protocol) is a link layer protocol,which be used in a good many occasion. On the other hand ,itis a complex communicate protocol. PPP(点对点协议)是数据链路层协议,应用极为广泛,也是一个比较复杂的通信协议。
- Restrict communication protocols allowed between zones and servers. 限制区域与服务器之间允许的通信协议。
- When the dialog protocol layer receives two messages on the same dialog with the same sequence number, the dialog protocol layer considers the messages to be duplicates and discards one. 当对话协议层对同一对话收到两个序列号相同的消息时,对话协议层认为这两个消息是重复的并会放弃其中的一个。