- Why Set a Traditional Theory for Foundation in My Blog Communication Research Proposal? 博客研究是否要选择传统理论做基础?
- Marketing communication research is a research into ways of talking to the public. 市场营销宣传研究是对大众宣传方式进行研究。
- Cragan, J. F. &Shields, D. C. : Symbolic Theories in Applied Communication Research, Cresskill, NJ. Hampton Press.1995. 此书是基于言语传播学传统的应用传播研究的综合型论著。
- Since 1997, many countries have invoked an interesting in highspeed powerline communication research. 1997 年以来,国际上兴起了高速电力线通信的研究。
- Berelson, B. (1952), Content analysis in communication research, New York: Free Press. 杨孝嵘(1996);传播研究方法总论;台北:三民书局.
- This study was conducted by the Center for English Language Education and Communication Research, City University of Hong Kong. 城市大学英文与传播学系英语教育及传意研究中心进行,研究探讨了。
- Shao Peiren: Professor, head of communication research institute, Zhejiang University; mainly interested in communication and media management. 邵培仁:浙江大学传播研究所教授、所长,主要从事传播学和媒介管理学研究。
- Beniqer, J.P., and J.A.Gusek: The cognitive revolution in tublic opinion and communication research, New York, Guilford Press, 1995. 联系我们-网站帮助-广告合作-下载声明-友情连接-网站地图
- Klaus Bruhn Jensen, A Handbook of Media and Communication Research: Qualitative and Qualitative Methodologies, 2002, Routlege. 这本传播研究法的书相当新颖,跳脱目前这类书籍的窠臼,希望贵社能将它翻成中文。
- Indigenization and internationalization of communication research are dialectically unitary just as two sides of one coin. 华人本土传播研究与传播学国际化之间的关系如一币之两面,是辩证统一的。
- Regional Communication Network (RCN), as the main part and developmental direction of Tactical Communication Network (TCN), is the key of Military Communication research. 野战地域通信网作为战术(役)通信网的主体和主要发展方向,是目前世界各国在军事通信领域的研究重点。
- Quanzhou Heng Jin Energy Technology Co., Ltd was formerly Westinghouse Quanzhou Mobile Communication Research Institute and the Quanzhou Ericsson Electronics Co. 泉州市恒劲能源科技有限公司前身是泉州西屋移动通信研究所和泉州立信电子有限公司。
- Zhu, J.H. (2001).Theorization versus indigenization of Chinese communication research: The integrated theory of audiences and media effects as a case study. 祝建华 (2001).;中文传播研究之理论化与本土化: 以受众及媒介效果的整合理论为例
- Chen Bing: PH. D. candidate, communication research institute, Zhejiang University; vice director, newsroom of Today's Science& Technology; mainly interested in communication and media management. 陈兵:浙江大学传播研究所博士生,浙江省科技厅《今日科技》编辑部副主任,从事传播学和媒介管理学研究。
- Why did Asian communication researchers fail to discontinue the dominance of Eurocentric communication paradigms? 为什么亚洲传播研究者尚未终止欧洲中心传播范式的统治?
- Li Yan: professor, Communication Research Institute, Humanities College, Zhejiang University, mainly interested in theory of broadcasting and television, culture of broadcasting and television, and critical theory of communication. 李岩:浙江大学人文学院传播研究所教授,主要从事广播电视学、广播电视文化及传播批评理论研究。
- The author sums up the change and development in scientific communication research from two levels: the evolvement of the related terms; the progress of pertained practice and theory. 摘要本文从术语演变,科学交流实践及其研究发展两个角度探讨了科学交流及其研究的流变。
- The primary difficulty of Chinese indigenized communication research is how to delimit boundaries of key concepts such as “Chinese indigenized communication theory” and “Chinese indigenous culture”. 华人本土传播研究的主要难点在于“华人本土传播理论”、“华人文化”等核心概念的边界如何界定。
- By viewing dance as a form of social competence and self-presentation, the study attempts to place dance, a previously understudied area within, the context of communication research. 求职者透过询问他人的口碑意见或经验,以降低找错工作可能带来的风险,由此可知,口碑传播对于求职者而言,可能是很重要的参考依据。
- Newhagen, J. E. &Rafaeli, S. (1996). Why communication researchers should study the Internet: A dialogue. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 4. 洪懿妍(民86),网路使用者对电子报的认知图像,政治大学新闻研究所硕士论文。