- Many minorities in the north of China once believed in Shaman religion, they were largely identical but with minor differences to confirm Shaman's identity of communication with spirit. 摘要历史上我国北方许多民族都曾信仰过萨满教,但各民族在萨满通灵身份认定上却大同小异。
- I am in communication with him on this subject. 关于这问题,我正和他交换意见。
- The fear of death only occurs as one ceases to communicate with spirit and the realms beyond the physical, therefore ceasing to believe that the nonphysical exists. 对死亡的恐惧只出现在你停止与物质界之上的灵体及灵界的通讯、停止相信非物质存在的时候。
- During observation period, the supervisor should communicate with them on the working experience anytime and anywhere, give them working skill instruction, infuse them with spirit and development vision of the enterprise. 观察期内的主管应随时随地与新员工交流工作心得,给予工作技能指导,灌输企业精神和发展远景。
- The heavy snow has prevented all communication with the highlands. 大雪阻断了与高地之间的一切联系。
- Mixed with Spirit, the red wine tastes good. 和雪碧调在一起,这红酒的口感很好。
- Our journey was beguiled with spirited talk. 我们旅行中谈笑风生,过得很愉快。
- The MAP way of working with Spirit is excellent. 与灵魂一同工作的地图方式是极好的。
- The door communicates with my room. 这门和我的房间相通。
- We are in radio communication with the spacecraft. 我们通过无线电与太空船联系。
- I like to communicate with my family. 我喜欢和我的家人沟通。
- But as I delved into forgotten tomes and communed with spirits from remote times and distant planes, my colleagues grew angry and then fearful. 但当我在遗忘的古书中钻研探究,并与久远年代和遥远位面中的灵魂进行交流之后,我的同僚们变得愤怒而惊恐。
- Master Boh lies to the people that he can communicate with spirits and randomly predicts the numbers for everyone who wants to win the lottery. 圆圆大师对人家说他能与鬼混沟通,而偶然他会预测彩票号码,其实他都是撒谎的。
- I often walk by the sea to commune with nature. 我常在海滨漫步,与大自然神交。
- Shamans in the remote Tuva region of Siberia are believed to have the power to see the invisible world and communicate with spirits. 位于西伯利亚偏远地区图瓦共和国的萨满,据说有看通神的世界并与之通灵的能力。
- He had no way to communicate with his brother. 他没有办法与他兄弟联系。
- I would commune with you of such matters. 我要和你密谈这些事。
- mediumism [communication with spirits] 通灵术
- The ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage. 勇气拿出斗志与勇气面对困难的能力
- A system of symbols and rules used for communication with or between computers. 机器语言一系列语言和规则,用于和计算机或计算机之间的交流