- communications buffer area 通信缓冲区
- Gets or sets the height of the buffer area. 获取或设置缓冲区的高度。
- Gets or sets the width of the buffer area. 获取或设置缓冲区的宽度。
- Gets or sets the column position of the cursor within the buffer area. 获取或设置光标在缓冲区中的列位置。
- Sets the height and width of the screen buffer area to the specified values. 将屏幕缓冲区的高度和宽度设置为指定值。
- In an optimal situation, for three rooms (reagent preparation, sample preparation, amplification) of the PCR lab one buffer area could be set up. 在理想情况下,PCR实验室试剂准备、标本制备、扩增三个区域可设置缓冲间。
- This image is usually drawn on an offscreen buffer area, so you can't see it being rendered. 这个图像通常是绘制在离屏缓存中,所以你不能在渲染前看到它。
- And the shoe with better quality, can the counterforce of buffer area, reduce wounded happening. 而质量较好的鞋,可以缓冲地面的反作用力,减少受伤的发生。
- In an optimal situation, for three rooms( reagent preparation, sample preparation, amplification) of the PCR lab one buffer area could be set up. 在理想情况下,pcr实验室试剂准备、本制备、增三个区域可设置缓冲间。
- Abstract: The application of multipprocess in testing systems is introduced and the implementation of ring buffer area for sharing between each process by using DLL is described. 文摘:介绍了多进程在测试系统中的应用以及如何通过DLL在各个进程之间实现共享的环形缓冲区。
- The pressure in the buffer area should be positive to assure the indoor air could not flow to outside and the outside air could not flow to the inside. 在缓冲间内,可设置正压,使室内空气不流向室外,室外空气不流向室内。
- Result indicate fixing of critical chain and joining of buffer area can prevent project delay and shorten project make span effectively. 结果表明,关键链的确定和缓冲区的加入可以防止项目延误并有效地缩短了项目总工期。
- The doors are interlocked by magnetic device and provide a buffer area for transferring material/product through the room with different class. 传递窗的门是电磁连锁的,不能同时打开。从而为在不同洁净级别的区域之间传递物料/产品提供缓冲保护。
- By the way,the roots weight of forbs is the most in the buffer area,and that of grasses &sedges is the most in the core area and the experimental area. 缓冲区的杂类草最多,而核心区和实验区的禾草和莎草最多。
- If the screen buffer is larger than the console window, the console automatically displays scroll bars so the console window can be repositioned over the screen buffer area. 如果屏幕缓冲区比控制台窗口大,控制台会自动显示滚动条,以使控制台窗口可以在屏幕缓冲区上重新定位。
- A page remains in the buffer cache until it has either not been referenced for some time or the buffer manager needs the buffer area to read in more data. 页一直保留在缓冲区高速缓存中,直到已有一段时间未对其进行引用或者缓冲区管理器需要缓冲区读取更多数据。
- From the aspect of material transportation and cycling in terrene-lake system, wetland is the buffer area where sand and mud, heavy metals, pollutants and nutrients are carried. 众所周知,湖滨湿地是湖泊环境的屏障,它对流域入湖物质具有吸收与拦截作用。
- Workers were not attracted in a year after control in epidemic area and buffer area, which indicated S. invicta had been eradicated effectively in this area. 经过一年多监测调查,发生区和外围区均未再诱集到活动工蚁,说明翟村疫情已得到了有效扑灭。
- Your transaction (process ID #52) was deadlocked on {lock | communication buffer | thread} resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun your transaction. 死锁中涉及的线程和资源位于错误日志中。有关如何识别死锁中涉及的死锁线程和资源的更多信息。
- He steered into the parking area. 他把车开进了停车区。