- The communication cost of GMR is independent of k. GMR的通讯代价和k无关。
- Under the assumption that the read-one-write-all policy is used to ensure data consistency,an optimization problem is formulated in which the cost function estimates the total communications costs. 假定网络采用read-one-write-all策略来保证网络数据一致性,那么存在一个决定复制定位的最优化问题。
- This E-Mail system needn't the expert hardware,greatly reduce the communication cost,afford high quality low price security service for the army. 该电子邮件系统不需要专门的硬件,大大降低了通信成本,为军队提供高质量低价格的保密通信服务。
- The energy of WSN was consumed during computation and communication.So the computational cost and communication cost of these algorithms were analysed. 节点的能量消耗主要由计算和通讯开销组成,对于算法的计算复杂度和通讯开销,做出了定量的分析。
- EPN telephone network as a modern integrated communications tool not only user-friendly, but also reduce the maximum corporate and personal communications costs. EPN网络电话作为集成化的现代通讯工具不仅方便使用,而且可以最大限度的降低企业及个人的通讯成本。
- Communications are based on infrequent PSTN or GSM connections, avoiding high communications costs incurred with permanent instation to outstation links. 通讯是基于很少用的PSTN或者GSM连接,这就避免了内场与外场的长久连接导致的高通讯成本。
- The adoption of Publish/Subscribe[2] communication paradigm cuts the communication cost between different entities and improves efficiency and flexibility. 采用基于Publish/Subscribe的通信模式,减少了实体间的通信开销,提高了通信效率和灵活性。
- It show that the communication cost,connectivity,and network resilience against node capture of sensor networks can be improved with the use of our proposed schemes. 分析结果表明,与随机密钥预分配方案相比,文中所提方案能大大改善无线传感器网络的各种性能,如通信负载、网络连通度、网络对于节点被俘获的抵抗性等。
- Compared with other proxy signatue, this scheme reduces the communication cost, since only the desinated verifier can recover the message and verify the signature. 由于指定的验证者可以恢复消息并验证签名,与其他代理签名方案相比,减少了传输消息本身所需要的费用。
- We reformulate the communication cost in terms of the number of relay nodes, rather than the number of links, required for performing the multicast operation. 由于我们将无线广播的特性加入机制的设计中,因此,资料推播成本的计算将由考虑最小化传递链节数,重新定义为最小化转传节点数量。
- In this paper, we present a key management scheme that is suitable for mobile IP multicast.By localizing the delivery of rekeying messages, the communication cost is reduced. 摘要提出一种移动IP组播的密钥管理方案,通过将密钥更新消息的发送局部化,降低了通信开销。
- This scheme enhances the expansibility of the serf-organized scheme, and decreases the communication cost caused by authentication between long distance nodes. 通过多域的划分提高了密钥管理框架的可扩展性.同时降低了远距离节点之间认证的通信开销。
- She reckoned she had cut her cost by half. 她估计她减少了一半的费用。
- I bank with Bank of Communications. 我在交通银行存款。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive. 到远东旅游的费用高的令人不敢问津。
- In point of cost, we'll have to discuss it at the next meeting. 至于费用方面,我们只好留到下次会议再讨论。
- His parents balk at the cost of the guitar he want. 他想要那个吉他,但他父母看到吉他的价格却踌躇不决。
- He put the telephone bill down as a business cost. 他把电话费用作为办公费记下。
- Methods for unresponsive flow regulation either have high communication costs or have very narrow applications. 摘要现有的无响应流控制方法存在某些缺陷,如通信代价过高,或者适用面过于狭窄。