- comodule coalgebra 余模余代数
- A coalgebra with a partially ordered set as basis is pointed and cocommutative. 摘要证明了以偏序集为基的一个余代数是有点的且是余交换的。
- Let L and A be Hopf algebras on field k with antipodes SL and SA,and let C be a right A-module coalgebra. 设L是域k上的Hopf代数,其对极为SL;
- Each sentence of the document was taken as an assertion, and the document was taken as an assertion stream.The semantics of the document was observed by coalgebra methods. 将文档的每一句看作一个断言,并动态地将文档理解为一个断言流,从而利用余代数方法对文档的语义进行观察。
- The concepts of the generalization cleft comodule algebra and thegeneralization H?Galois extension with a nouial basis were due to Masuokaand Doi [MD], they studied the equivalence of them and the dual case. Butthey didn? Masuoka和Doi[MD]给出了广义cleft余模代数和具有一个正规基的广义H-Galois扩张的概念,他们研究了二者的等价及对偶情形,但没有涉及到Hopfcrossed积或余积。
- Coalgebra on a partially ordered set 偏序集上的余代数
- Yetter-Drinfel'd module coalgebra Yetter-Drinfel'd模余代数
- twisted oriented quantum coalgebra 扭曲定向量子余代数
- Structural Constants of Finite Dimension Algebra and Coalgebra 有限维代数及余代数的结构常数
- injective comodule 内射余模
- comodule homomorphism 余模同态
- Comodule algebra 辫子monoidal范畴
- comodule 余模
- projective comodule 投射余模
- cofree comodule 余自由余模
- comodule bialgebra 余模双代数
- oriented quantum coalgebra 定向量子余代数
- Coalgebra H-comodules 余代数H-余模
- Hopf module coalgebra Hopf模余代数
- Horn - coassociative coalgebra Hom-余结合余代数