- DVD (Digital Video Disc) is a technology based on optical data storage similar to compact disc (CD). DVD是一项基于类似CD的光学数据储存技术。
- The compact disc is a miracle of modern technology. 激光唱片是当代技术的奇葩。
- compact disc video(CD-V) 视盘
- compact disc video (CD-V)视盘
- Is there a microphone coming with this Video Cd? 这台VCD配有麦克风吗?
- Please insert an audio compact disc. 请插入一张音乐光碟。
- Compact disc drive access optimization. 压缩磁盘存取优化。
- He handed a compact disc to the supervisor. 他把光盘交给管理者了。
- This thesis introduce the general situation and developing trend of CD family, the specifications of CD, data format, disc physical structure, EFM-Modulation Method for the Compact Disc and coding method for the Compact Disc-CIRC. 本文阐述了CD家族的概况与发展趋势、CD规格、光盘物理结构、数据格式、CD的EFM调制方式和CIRC编码方式等。
- Compact disc recordings give excellent sound reproduction. 激光唱片播放的声音保真度很高。
- Besides,they also owned 42.96 video CD players,18.59 video cassette-recorders,17.33 hi-fi sets and 15.89 mobile phones. 另外还拥有影碟机42.;96台,录放像机18
- Movies purchased from the iTunes Store can't be burned to a DVD or VCD that will play in a DVD player or Video CD. 从iTuens Store购买的电影不能刻录到可以在DVD播放机或Video CD上播放的DVD或VCD上。
- For added convenience, we can provide you with multimedia tools such as promotional Video CD for your planning ease. 我们亦为您提供视像光碟等多媒体工具,令您筹划活动时更加得心应手。
- Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electric tin openers. 选择洗衣机,汽车,雷射唱机,电动开罐机。
- Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 The game exempts the compact disc patch..... 彩虹六号:维加斯2 游戏的免光盘补丁 免光盘的意思就是不用验证光盘;直接玩.
- Besides, they also owned 42.96 video CD players, 18.59 video cassette-recorders, 17.33 hi-fi sets and 15.89 mobile phones. 另外还拥有影碟机42.;96台,录放像机18
- Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. 选择起点,选择朋友,选择运动服和皮箱。
- compact disc read-only memory [CD ROM] 唯读光碟
- Rewritable compact disc CD drives 可重写光盘驱动器
- The Second part presents the designstrategy and design schemes of Video CD playback system, describes a low-cost dedicated Video CD player in detail, which is stlitable for china market in the recent years. 后半部分阐述播放系统的设计方案和策略,详细说明国内潜在市场很大的VideoCD播放机设计方案。