- compact implicit schemes 紧致隐格式
- A compact implicit between two or more people or groups. 不成文的规定在两人、更多人或群体之间的默契
- An implicit scheme is much more efficient. 隐式格式是一种很有效的格式。
- The mathematical model is solved by fourth-order Runge-Kutta implicit scheme and validated by test. 用龙格库塔法求解八自由度强非线性动力学方程并用试验验证了仿真模型的正确性。
- Interations are commonly used in solving Laplace equation, Poison equation, or use implicit scheme to solve differential equation(s). 疊代法通常需要藉由相對誤差或絕對誤差來判斷是否可以停止疊代,找到解了。
- For solution of heat transfer equation in fuel rods, the implicit scheme of through counting in combination with method of running is used. 至于解决燃料棒的热传递方程式,则采用全程计算结合运行法的隐示(有限差分)法。
- By use of implicit scheme,exit and wall temperature varying with time in air-precooled heat exchanger for compound engine are extracted. 利用隐式格式,求得组合发动机空气预冷换热器随时间而变的出口及壁面温度。
- Based on the solution of simplified difference method for infiltration equation in unsaturated soil, we have constructed the non-time difference variant implicit scheme. 在得出理查兹渗透方程近似精确解基础上,建立无时间差分变量的隐式差分计算格式。
- In the interior of each nonoverlapping sub-domain, the values of the knots were obtained by implicit scheme while those of the interface knots by explicit difference. 给出了非重叠区域上的抛物方程的区域分解直接方法。
- This paper made a numerical simulation of magnetic reconnection of highly stressed force-free field triggered by an instantaneously forned current sheet,using the multistep implicit scheme. 采用多步隐格式,对在瞬间形成的电流片的触发下的高剪切无力场的磁重联过程进行了数值模拟。
- High-Order Compact Implicit Difference Method For the Wave Equation 求解波动方程的高精度紧致隐式差分方法
- On parallel direct methods for implicit scheme 隐格式并行直接求解方法研究
- The matter implicit in such a compact. 这样规定中的事项
- Preissmann four-point implicit scheme Preissmann四点隐式格式
- semi Lagrangian semi implicit scheme 半拉格朗日半隐式格式
- Ok. Luxury, mid-size or compact? 好。是要豪华型、中型还是小型车?
- Their devilish schemes were crushed. 他们的毒计被粉碎了。
- sub--domain precise integration implicit scheme 子域精细积分隐格式
- You can get the feel of a compact car in no time. 你很快就能把小型车摸清楚。
- I appreciate his compact style of writing. 我欣赏他那简洁的文体。