- compact type inbred lines 紧凑型自交系
- Money is another type of information, a compact type of control. 货币是另一类信息,一种小型的控制方式。
- Study on introducing soybean DNA directly into inbred line maize. 大豆DNA直接导入玉米自交系的研究。
- Inbred lines K12, S37, 8 93 and Dan340 were good combiners and are involved to produce high yielding hybrids. K12、S37、8 93和丹340的产量一般配合力高 ,参与组配的强优势组合较多。
- Splitplot design with four replications was used for this study with inbred lines as main plotand testers as subplot.2. 两者属于异类型时,表现杂种优势较大;中间类型的测验种由于兼具马齿和硬粒的遗传基础,所测得自交系配合力的结果较为可靠。
- A compact type high-order difference method based on symmetry undetermined coefficient is presented for the solution of the two dimensional Poisson equation. 利用对称性和待定系数的基本思想,提出了数值求解泊松方程的一种新的高阶紧致差分方法,构造了二维泊松方程的四阶和六阶紧致差分格式。
- Seven elite inbred lines had been screened out which could improve the yield of biology, stover and seed. 试验筛选出7份可同时提高青贮生物产量、秸杆产量及籽粒产量的材料。
- compact type power transmission line 紧凑型线路
- The results are as follows:(1)The yield GCA of inbred lines 87-land 87-3 rank medium among the 16 inbred lines. 结果表明:(1)在参试的16个自交系中,87-1和87-3两自交系产量的GCA效应处于中等水平;
- Large difference exists among maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines in P uptake and utilization efficiency. 玉米自交系在磷的吸收利用方面存在着基因型差异。
- double circuit line compact type tower 同塔双回路紧凑型铁塔
- The photoperiod sensitivity of maize inbred lines and traits were compared according to RD%. 根据玉米光周期敏感性状在长短日照下的相对差值(RD%25)比较了这些性状的敏感性程度,并以此作为指标对自交系的光周期敏感性进行分析。
- A cross in which each parent is the product of a single cross. It can be represented as AB CD,where A,B,C,and D are inbred lines. 双杂交上代双方都是单杂交产物的杂交,可用AB證D表示,其中A、B、C和D是近交品系。
- A cross in which each parent is the product of a single cross.It can be represented as AB?D, where A, B, C, and D are inbred lines. 双杂交上代双方都是单杂交产物的杂交,可用ab?D表示,其中A、B、C和D是近交品系
- A cross in which each parent is the product of a single cross. It can be represented as AB CD, where A, B, C, and D are inbred lines. 双杂交上代双方都是单杂交产物的杂交,可用ab證D表示,其中A、B、C和D是近交品系
- Studies on Breeding Early Maturing and Hard Grain Inbred Line H_(21) of Zea Mays L. 早熟硬粒型玉米自交系H_(21)选育研究
- Indexing Plungers-ALUMINUM KNOB COMPACT TYPE 旋钮柱塞-简易型
- Now we discussed fac tors of affecting differentiation of shoots and established regeneration system of maize embryo leaf of inbred lines in northeast. 探讨了影响不定芽分化的因素,初步建立了玉米胚叶的再生体系。
- Characters of the compact type system 紧凑型系统特点
- Among the 9maize inbred lines , "48-2" "S37" "08-64" had higher general combining ability (GCA) and "5003" "dan340" "Mo 17" had lower . 在被测的9个自交系中,“48-2”、“S37”和“08-64”的一般配力效应值较高,而“5003”、“丹340”和“Mo17”的一般配合力效应值较低。