- compacted clastic rock reservoir 致密砂岩储层
- compacted clastic rock 致密碎屑岩
- In recent years,it has made a great progress in identifying prediction of fractures and production capacity in compact clastic reservoir rock by use of the data of 3 D seismics. 近年来,利用三维地震资料进行致密碎屑岩储层裂缝和产能的识别预测取得了一些进展,而这之中最重要也最基础的工作是单井裂缝和产能的建模工作。
- Is kidney stone course returns after clastic rock operation painful how to do? 得肾结石经过碎石手术后还痛怎么办?
- Aim To study the secondary porosity in the clastic rock storage of Ordos Basin. 摘要目的研究鄂尔多斯盆地碎屑岩储集体中的次生孔隙。
- Clastic rock and low-grade metamorphic rock, and the non-disease area is mainly in the coal stratum. 通过对重病区、轻病区及非病区人群的环境摄碘量估算。
- The Chang 6 reservoir belongs to low porosity and excessively low permeability micro throat clastic rock reservoir. 甘谷驿油田长6油层为低孔、特低渗透细喉型碎屑岩储层。
- The drilling of Well Gan No.8 made a significant breakthrough in non-marine clastic rock exploration in Chishui area. 通过官8井的钻探,赤水地区陆相碎屑岩勘探取得重大突破。
- There was a terrestrial facies lake basin in study area and mainly developed clastic rock during the late Trias. 研究区晚三叠系为陆相湖盆沉积,以发育陆源碎屑岩系为主。
- Red clastic rock strata are widely distributed in a lot of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic downfaulted basins in the eastern part of Qinghai. 摘要青海东部诸多中新生代断陷盆地中广泛分布着陆生红色碎屑岩地层。
- A chemically precipitated substance that binds particles of clastic rocks. 结合沉淀物使碎屑岩的微料结合起来的一种化学沉淀物
- In Akekule area, the maturity of component and texture of the clastic rock reservoir in Kalashayi formation are relatively low. 摘要阿克库勒地区卡拉沙依组碎屑岩储层的成分成熟度和结构成熟度均较低。
- The genesis of Shuicaozi Cu deposit has a close relation with the coal bearing clastic rock formation of lacustrine bog facies. 水槽子铜矿的成因与湖泊沼泽相含煤碎屑岩建造紧密相关,多个呈似层状、透镜状的矿体,均赋存于该沉积序列中。
- Distinctive crystal clastic rock enchases craft every design likes an artwork, aglimmer glamour burnish, popular feeling chord is touched like diamond. 独特的水晶碎石镶嵌工艺每件设计都如同一件艺术品,闪烁的魅力光泽,钻石般动人心弦。
- The formation and conversion of authigenic clay mincral were dominated by initial mineral components and diagenetic environment of clastic rock. 自生粘土矿物的形成和转化取决于碎屑岩原始矿物组分及其成岩环境。
- It is a set of shallow-bathyal deposits of carbonate and clastic rocks. 重点对三级旋回层序的层序界面性质及其体系域特点进行了深入、细致的分析。
- Carbonate and fine clastic rocks is its block, and siltstone is its matrix. 岩块由灰岩和细碎屑岩组成,基质为粉砂岩。
- The conclusion is in concordance with the presence of brownish red, violet red and violet-grey clastic rock, specially the red sedimentary layer. 其结论与石千峰组的棕红、紫红和紫灰色陆源碎屑岩沉积特别与红色沉积层为特征是相一致的。
- The Iodine Deficiency area area spread mainly from geological environment in Carbonate , Clastic rock and low-grade meta... 通过对重病区、轻病区及非病区人群的环境摄碘量估算,反映贵州碘缺乏病分布区生态地质环境普遍碘缺乏。
- Xiaogouli gold deoposit is quartz-vein type gold deposit.It is hosted in the clastic rock of Middle Devonian series in West Qinling area. 小沟里金矿床属石英脉型金矿,产于西秦岭泥盆系中统碎屑岩中,矿床规模已达中型。