- Orbital compartment syndrome was impressed. 诊断为眼窝腔室症候群。
- Compartment syndrome can develop necessitating fasciotomy. 间隔综合征可以迫使医生进行筋膜切开术。
- These principles do not apply to a patient with closed acute muscle crush compartment syndrome. 这些原则对闭合性急性肌肉挤压间隔综合征的病人并不适合。
- Objective To compare the risk factors for hemorrhagic compartment syndrome(HL) and lacunar infarct(LI). 目的比较出血性腔隙综合征(HL)与腔隙性脑梗死(LI)的危险因素。
- Pickhardt PT, Shimony JS, Heiken JP, et al.The abdominal compartment syndrome: CT findings. 刘正军;石汉平.;腹腔内高压与腹腔筋膜室综合征
- Wchwartaz JR,Brumback RJ,Lakatos R,et al.Acute compartment syndrome of the thigh.J Bone joint Surg (Am),1989,71:392. 骨筋膜室综合征的护理由800论文网收集整理,转载请注明出处!
- Objective: To analyze and summarize the early diagnosis and treatment of abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS). 目的:分析总结腹间隔综合征(ACS)早期诊断与治疗。
- Objective To sum up diagnosis and treatment experience of the compartment syndrome of iliopsoas muscle. 目的:总结髂腰肌筋膜间室综合征诊治体会。
- Methods: We diagnosed and treated 27 cases of the osteofasciaI compartment syndrome of the lumbosacral region. 方法:对27例腰骶部骨筋膜室综合征患者临床的诊断及治疗。
- Two patients with compartment syndrome and compressive neuropathy required fasciotomy to release the compartment pressure. 其中两例因为伴随有压迫性神经病变及腔室症候群,需要接受筋膜切开术以减压并植皮覆盖切开处。
- Orbital compartment syndrome may occur as a consequence of inadvertent pressure on the globe due to improper position during spinal surgery. 在全身麻醉中因为不适当的姿势所给予眼球的不正常压力可能会导致眼窝腔室症候群。
- Objective To study the mechanism and management of abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) in patients with Budd Chiari Syndrome (BCS). 目的探讨布-加综合征(BCS)病人并发腹腔间隔室综合征(ACS)的发病机制和处理。
- Open tibial fracture complicated with compartment syndrome is not seldom encountered and should be taken seriously in clinical practice. 开放性胫骨骨折合并骨筋膜室综合征并非少见,临床上应高度重视。
- Compartment Syndrome: A muscle swells filling the membrane (compartment) that encloses the muscle to be completely filled. 肌腔隙综合症:肌肉肿胀,使包围着肌肉的筋膜(间隙) 完全填满.
- Two osteofascial compartment syndrome with tardive haematoma were caused by secondary disturbances of blood coagulation. 本组5例,2例继发性凝血机制障碍迟发性出血致骨筋膜室综合征。
- This article offered nurses a reference for caring for a patient with acute compartment syndrome secondary to Rhabdomyolysis. 期望藉此护理经验之分享,以提供护理人员临床照护之参考。
- Objective To analyse the clinical characteristics of abdominal compartment syndrome(ACS) and summarize some experiences in diagnosis and treatment of ACS. 目的分析腹腔间室综合征(ACS)的发病特点,总结ACS的诊断和治疗经验。
- Early diagnosis and plerosis, strictly micro-surgical principle, promptly open decompression for osteofascial compartment syndrome should be emphasized during treatment. 治疗中须注意早诊断、早修复、严格显微外科原则、积极行骨筋膜室切开减压。
- Results:The 43 patient were all healed in 3 months,with no severe complications such as poor wound healing,infection of osteofascial compartment syndrome. 结果:43例骨折均在3个月骨性愈合,未出现感染、切口愈合不良和骨筋膜间隔综合征等早期并发症。
- Conclusion: Compartment syndrome in patients undergoing cytoreductive surgery may be related to changes in position on the operating table induced by steep Trendelenburg position. 结论:采取细胞减数外科治疗的患者的间隔综合征可能和手术床上头低脚高位的体位改变有关。