- To be certain, confirm that you are in compatibility mode. 要确定这一点,请确认您是否处于兼容模式下。
- Enable compatibility mode with Zend Engine 1 (PHP 4). 启用Zend引擎1(PHP 4)兼容模式。
- The presentation automatically opens in compatibility mode. 该演示文稿会自动在兼容模式下打开。
- In Compatibility Mode, the chart is pasted as a static picture. 在兼容模式下,图表将粘贴为静态图片。
- Click to select the Run this program in compatibility mode check box. 单击以选中“用兼容模式运行这个程序”复选框。
- In 6. X compatibility mode, an empty string is treated as a single space. 在6.;x兼容模式中;空字符串被看作是一个空格。
- In Compatibility Mode, you can create a chart in Word by using Microsoft Graph. 在兼容模式下,可以使用Microsoft Graph在Word中创建图表。
- Compatibility mode enables both Version 5 and Version 6 application servers to be part of the same cluster. 兼容模式时版本5和版本6的应用程序服务器能够在同一个集群中同时运行。
- On the Compatibility tab, click to select the Run this program in compatibility mode for check box. 在“兼容性”选项卡上,单击以选中“用兼容模式运行这个程序”复选框。
- As the name implies, a resource file saved in this compatibility mode can be edited with either tool. 顾名思义,保存在此兼容模式下的资源文件可以使用任何一种工具进行编辑。
- Coercion state, which indicates whether or not your application was run in backward compatibility mode. 强制状态,它指示是否以向后兼容模式运行您的应用程序。
- Microsoft Office Graphic Object is not available when you are using Compatibility Mode in Word. 当在Word中使用兼容模式时,“Microsoft Office图形对象”将不可用。
- To create a document that will be used in a previous version of Microsoft Office Word, you can work in Compatibility Mode. 若要创建将在早期版本的Microsoft Office Word中使用的文档,可以在兼容模式下工作。
- The visual cue Compatibility Mode appears in the program title bar when you are working in an earlier version file format. 当您使用早期版本的文件格式工作时,程序标题栏中会显示直观提示“兼容模式”。
- In Compatibility Mode, you can open, edit, and save Word 97 - 2003 documents but you won't be able to use any of the new Office Word 2007 features. 在“兼容模式”下,您可以打开、编辑和保存Word 97-2003文档,但是您无法使用Office Word 2007的任何新增功能。
- When you select the compatibility mode option, Windows Vista emulates the selected operating system when you run that particular program. 选择兼容模式选项后,Windows Vista会在您运行该特定程序时模拟所选的操作系统。
- MYIE2 plugins are designed to occupy less system resources and so do MyIE's connection ports when compared with those running under IE compatibility mode. MYIE2的接口被设计为占用更少的资源,特别是与运行在IE兼容模式下的插件相比。
- Added note that states if the database is running in 80 compatibility mode or earlier, the ARITHABORT option must be set to ON to create an indexed view. 添加了注释,声明如果数据库在80或更低的兼容模式下运行,则ARITHABORT选项必须设置为ON才能创建索引视图。
- If you have already saved the document in Office Word 2007 file format, you can save the document in the Word 97-2003 file format to turn Compatibility Mode on. 如果已经以Office Word 2007文件格式保存了文档,则可用Word 97-2003文件格式保存该文档以便启用兼容模式。
- After you determine that you are in compatibility mode, convert the presentation to a PowerPoint 2007 file, and then the option or command becomes available for you to use. 在确定您处于兼容模式下后,请将演示文稿转换为PowerPoint 2007文件,随后该选项或命令将变为可用。