- Compensation for damage, loss, or injury suffered. 赔偿金,赔偿物对毁坏、损失或伤害的补偿
- To pay compensation for damage done is an old rule in our PLA. 损坏东西要赔,是我们解放军的老规矩。
- In China,it takes proof of "actual losses" to win a lawsuit over compensation for damage caused. 在中国,损害赔偿必须用证据证明“存在损失”。
- A claim for compensation for damage shall be presented to a launching State through diplomatic channels. 赔偿损害的要求,应通过外交途径向发射国提出。
- In China, it takes proof of "actual losses" to win a lawsuit over compensation for damage caused. 在中国,损害赔偿必须用证据证明“存在损失”。
- In the dissertation, Author did research on the foreseeability rule of compensation for damage in breaching of faith. 本文对违约损害赔偿领域的可预见规则进行了研究。
- In case party B breaches this Contract, party A has right to deduct the default fine. compensation for damage or any other expenses from the deposit . 因乙方违反本合同的规定而产生的违约金、损坏赔偿金和其它相关费用,甲方可在押金中抵扣。
- In case party B breaches this Contract, party A has right.to deduct the default fine, compensation for damage or any other expenses from the deposit . 因乙方违反本合同的规定而产生的违约金、损坏赔偿金和其它相关费用,甲方可在押金中抵扣。
- In case party B breaches this Contract, party A has right to deduct the default fine, compensation for damage or any other expenses from the deposit . 因乙方违反本合同的规定而产生的违约金、损坏赔偿金和其它相关费用,甲方可在押金中抵扣。
- Without the existence of the third person, the assureds compensation for damage responsibility can't take place, and liability insurance also. 若没有第三人的存在,被保险人的损害赔偿责任无从发生,当无责任保险的适用。
- An Indian woman paid just two rupees( four US cents) in compensation for damage to her coconut groves by tsunami waves has angrily returned the state aid. 一位只获得两卢比(美分)偿其遭海啸巨浪损坏之椰子园的印度妇人,气愤地退回这笔国家救助。
- A launching State shall be absolutely liable to pay compensation for damage caused by its space object on the surface of the earth or to aircraft flight. 发射国对其空间物体在地球表面,或给飞行中的飞机造成损害,应负有赔偿的绝对责任。
- An Indian woman paid just two rupees (four US cents) in compensation for damage to her coconut groves by tsunami waves has angrily returned the state aid. 一位只获得两卢比(四美分)补偿其遭海啸巨浪损坏之椰子园的印度妇人,气愤地退回这笔国家救助。
- The shipping company will be liable for damage. 运输公司将对损坏负责。
- The third party has right to request the lessee to make compensation for damages caused to it. 因承租人的无效行为给第三人造成损失的,第三人有权要求承租人赔偿。
- He asked for financial compensation for his damage. 他要求经济赔偿。
- State mental compensation for damages has been a debate for a long time in academic circles. 国家精神损害赔偿长期以来一直是学术界争议的一个话题。
- Under what situations can the employing unit claim compensation for damages against the labourer? 用人单位在哪些情况下可以对劳动者请求损害赔偿?
- Industry sometimes compensates for lack of ability. 勤勉有时可以弥补能力之不足。
- I want to put in a claim for damages. 我想提出赔偿损失的要求。