- They are discussing the compensatory policy. 他们正在讨论补偿的政策。
- No insurance meant no sport. It was illegal to participate in professional sports without a protective compensation policy: no one else could stand the litigation. 没有保险就意味着没有竞技体育。在没有保护赔偿制度下参加职业体育比赛是违法的,因为没人愿意冒这个险。
- Most farmers appreciated the compensation policy of GGP, but a few of them (8.9% and 2.2%, respectively) considered the planting of trees and of forage species to be a priority. 结果表明:农民接受退耕还林补偿政策,但只有极少数人乐意植树(8.;9%25)、种草(2
- This paper analyzes the policy of the conversion of cropland to forests based on economics theory of externalities, covering the necessity of compensation policy and its implementing. 摘要以西部退耕还林工程的生态补偿问题为研究对象,运用经济学的外部性理论对退耕还林补偿政策及相关生态补偿政策进行了分析与评述。
- Synthetic waterpower works construction is lack of investment apportion and benefit compensation policies. 综合利用水电工程的建设缺乏投资分摊及效益补偿政策;
- Put your basic compensation policies in writing before making decisions about anyon’s pay. 这是一篇关于薪资制度的重要性的文章。
- A motion moved by Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan on "Relief measures and compensation policies for the live poultry trades" was passed. 张宇人议员就"活家禽业界援助措施及赔偿政策"动议的议案,获得通过。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- Investment tax compensation policy 投资抵免政策
- compensation policy for land expropriation 征地补偿制度
- expropriated compensation policy 土地征用制度
- Below the setting of avian flu indulge in wilful persecution, the country that author unfeignedly publishs for the government compensates policy to acclaim. 在禽流感肆虐的背景下,笔者由衷地为政府出台的国家补偿政策喝彩。
- He didn't get any compensation because his insurance policy had lapsed. 他因保险单失效未得任何补偿。
- I will never swerve from my declared policy on this matter. 我决不背离我已经宣布的在这个问题上的政策。
- Off-balance-sheet vehicles, models that allow capital ratios to be gamed by understating assets' risks, over-reliance on wholesale funding and gung-ho compensation policies will all be verboten. 一些表外工具和模型可以使资本比率通过低报资产风险、过度信赖批发融资和大规模分红政策而被更改,它们将被严格禁止。
- Could I ask for your reaction to this policy? 我能问一下您对这个政策的反应吗?
- Compensation trade is, in fact, a kind of loan. 补偿贸易实际上是一种信贷。
- It is company policy to discourage office romances. 公司的方针是阻止职员之间的风流韵事。
- The president has no consistent policy. 那位总统的政策缺乏一致性。
- My job is hard, but it has its compensation. 我的工作虽苦,但也有所补偿。