- compensative suretyship 赔偿保证
- Suretyship of joint and several liability. 连带责任保证。
- Unless the suretyship contract provides otherwise. 保证合同另有约定的,按照约定。
- According to requirement of aim temperature to implement compen... 按目标温度要求,进行补偿措施,有效地控制钢水温度。
- compensatory suretyship 赔偿保证
- Part one: The connotation of the criminal injuries compensative legislation. 第一部分:刑事被害人国家补偿制度的内涵。
- The compensative problem of laser trough is very important in laser carving. 光刻槽的补偿问题在激光雕刻中有着重要意义。
- The patient group had compensative acceleration of the ACA and PCA velocity. (1)病例组ACA、PCA血流速度代偿性增快,以ACA代偿为主(76.;3%25);
- Conclusion:The main causes of the disease might be of the retrogressive metamorphosis,compens... 保留脊柱后结构的髓核摘除、椎管扩大减压的手术效果是满意的。
- The energy can cause synthetic and compensative effects in our body. 在生物体内具有综合作用和补偿作用。
- The effect of the turbulence of the fan convection field and the position of the wind compen... 在进行机械排烟时还应考虑风机对流场的扰动、补风口位置的影响。
- The modes of guaranty as provided by this Law are suretyship, mortgage, pledge, lien and deposit. 本法规定的担保方式为保证、抵押、质押、留置和定金。
- If a suretyship contract does not contain all the particulars specified in the preceding paragraph, the particulars omitted may be added by amendment. 保证合同不完全具备前款规定内容的,可以补正。
- Suretyship contract would be null and void not only because of being null and void of the principal contract but also because of its own. 保证合同既可能因主合同无效而无效,亦可因自身的原因而无效。
- If a branch of an enterprise as a legal person has a power of attorney from the legal person, it may provide a suretyship within the scope of authority. 企业法人的分支机构有法人书面授权的,可以在授权范围内提供保证。
- The suretyship is independent in some way, which is neglected to some extent by our theory and legislation which mainly focuses on its dependence on the principal contract. 我国民法理论和方法强调并突出了保证的从属性和补充性,一定程度上忽视了其独立性。
- The national compensative scope should include not only the loss of property but also the damage of spirit. 对婚姻自由权的国家赔偿范围不仅应当包括物质损害,而且应当包括精神损害。
- If a branch of an enterprise as a legal person has p power of attorney from the legal person, it may provide a suretyship within the scope of authority. 企业法人的分支机构有法人书面授权的,可以在授权范围内提供保证。
- However different from the traditional suretyship, Standby, or say guarantee with character of independence, is still within the scope of guarantee system. 尽管备用信用证,或称具有独立性的担保的出现是对传统的担保制度的一次重大突破,但却没有突破传统担保制度的极限。