- compile time error 编译时错误
- The default base name is specified at compile time. 编译时已经指定了默认的基本文件名。
- Tag remapping occurs at compile time. 在编译时重新映射标记。
- These are configurable at runtime or compile time. 它们在运行时或者编译时是可配置的。
- Type existence is checked at compile time rather than read time, reducing possibility for error. 时,将在编译时而不是读取时检查类型是否存在,这可以减少出错的可能性。
- If you attempt to use an undeclared variable name, an error occurs at compile time. 试图使用未声明的变量名将发生编译时错误。
- In fact static method calls are resolved at compile time. 实际上,静态方法的调用在编译时解决。
- Constants are values which are known at compile time and do not change. 常数是在编译时已知并保持不变的值。
- There is no need to write code to test for the correct data type, because it is enforced at compile time. 不需要编写代码来检测数据类型是否正确,因为会在编译时强制使用正确的数据类型。
- SQLJ can perform syntactic and semantic checking on the code, using database connections at compile time. SQLJ可以通过在编译时使用数据库连接,对代码执行语法和语义上的检查。
- They cause parts of your code to be included or excluded at compile time depending on certain conditions. 条件编译语句可让代码的各个部分在编译时根据具体的条件,或包括在编译之内,或排除在编译之外。
- The result shows that when the discriminator level increases, the time error of noise will decrease, but time error of signal shape will increase. 其中,噪声的影响随着甄别阈的降低而增大,而形状差异的影响则随着甄别阈的降低而减小,为了取得最佳的时间分辨率,必须慎重选择甄别阈。
- This helps make sure that the plan guide will be matched to the query at compile time. 参数使用。这有助于确保计划指南在编译时与查询匹配。
- Action.c(15): Error: C interpreter run time error: Action.c (15): Error -- memory violation : Exception ACCESS_VIOLATION rece ... 你那段代码编译的时候没有问题呀,可是一运行就抱错了,你在看看呢?
- You can make the reference either at compile time (early binding) or at run time. 您可以在编译时(事先绑定)或在运行时进行引用。
- A constant expression is an expression that can be fully evaluated at compile time. 常数表达式是在编译时可被完全计算的表达式。
- Updating the status bar command prompt for commands whose IDs are not known at compile time. 为ID在编译时未知的命令更新状态栏命令提示。
- Frequency offset is captured by utilizing the repetition structure of training frame and eliminating the channel impulse response influence and the time error influence. 算法利用训练帧结构的循环重复性特点,剥离信道的影响和定时偏差的影响,完成频偏的捕获。
- Is not resolved at compile time, so you can use it as the return value of a property or method. 因此可以将它用作属性或方法的返回值。
- Altering the RTC timebase during SYSTEM operation (by reconfiguring the PLL, the VPB timer, or the RTC prescaler) will result in some form of accumulated time error. 在系统操作过程中(重新配置PLL、VPB定时器或RTC预分频器)改变RTC的时间基准会使累加时间出现错误。