- If F is no callable, builtin type, any attempt to access the value results in a compile error. 如果F不是可调用内建类型,则任何访问该结果值的尝试都会引发编译错误。
- If F is no callable, builtin type, any attempt to access the sequence results in a compile error. 如果F不是可调用内建类型,则任何访问该结果序列的尝试都会引发编译错误。
- To resolve this condition, fix the parse or compile error in the specified file or undo the change that cause the parse or compile error. 若要解决此问题,请修复指定文件中的分析或编译错误,或者撤消导致分析或编译错误的更改。
- This error may also be caused by a compiler error. 编译器错误也可能导致此错误。
- The Tasks view at the bottom of the screen shows the compile errors. 界面底部的任务视图显示编译错误。
- Forward references to variables gives compiler error. 把引用给一个变量会编译错误。此话对吗?
- This will cause a compiler error that will need to be fixed. 这将导致需要修正的编译器错误。
- BUILD FAILEDfile:E:/Asir_CVS/obe/obe/obeengine/build.xml:140: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details. 为什么cvs上面的代码在编译是会提示错误呢?这正是本文要解决的问题。
- When building PHP with the GD library it either gives strange compile errors or segfaults on execution. 和GD库一起编译PHP时,要么给出一个奇怪的编译错误,要么在运行时出现segfaults。
- Both statements generate compiler errors. 两个语句都将生成编译器错误。
- Prompts you to send a report when you receive an internal compiler error. 提示您在收到内部编译器错误时发送报告。
- You ll get a compiler error if you try to construct an instance of class. 类的实例,就会得到编译器错误。
- And floating-point types without a cast results in a compilation error. 和浮点型将导致编译错误。
- If your code generates compile errors after switching from debug build to release build, there are some areas you should check. 如果从调试版本切换到发布版本后代码生成编译错误,有几个方面应该检查。
- Forgetting to end a line in a semicolon will result in a compiler error. 每行代码结束后应用分号结束,否则会导致编译错误。
- "CurrencyConverterModule.jar": Spaces in the temporary directory path may cause WebLogic APPC utility to produce fatal compile errors. 1求助,那个能不不帮我看看到底是什么原因错误啊?
- She play a notable role in compile the book. 在编写这本书的过程中,她起了显著的作用。
- In the next lesson you will learn about debugging compiler errors. 在下一课中,您将学习如何调试编译器错误。
- This can lead to compiler errors or subtle run-time logic errors. 这可能导致编译器错误或细微的运行库逻辑错误。
- The build should be successful with no compiler errors or warnings. 生成应该成功,没有任何编译器错误或警告。