- compiled knowledge base system 编译知识库系统
- Knowledge base system(KBS) is a core component of expert system. 知识库是专家系统的核心组成部分。
- In this paper, a Knowledge Base System L1 KBS of L1 Language is discussed. L1语言是为开发机器学习系统而研制的。 本文在分析了机器学习系统的特征以后,讨论L1语言所设置的知识库系统LIKBS。
- In a Distributed knowledge Base System (DKBS), the decomposition and distribution of the inference rely on not only the domain to some extent, but also the DKBS architecture. 在分布式知识库系统DKBS中,推理任务的分解与分布具有一定的领域依赖性,而且依赖于DKBS的体系结构。
- Problem on visualization of expert system reasoning processes is put forward on the base of introducing visu alization basic concept and ICON system nonnal form, and a kind of knowledge base system model with visualisd char acter. 该文在介绍可视化基本概念及icon系统形式化规范基础上,提出了专家系统推理过程可视化问题,并给出了一个具有可视特性的知识库系统的一般模型。
- It can be divided into phases of knowledge acquirement and knowledge engineer from viewpoint of knowledge based system development. 从知识系统开发的观点将军事概念模型开发分成知识获取和知识工程两个阶段。
- Based on the analysis on the data and knowledge,data base and Knowledge base,their definitions,usages and structures of DBMS and KBMS,the article gives an analysis in detail and compares data base system with knowledge base system. 文章在分析数据和知识、数据库和知识库、DBMS和KBMS的定义、功能、结构的基础之上,对数据库系统和知识库系统进行了详细的对比分析。
- distributed knowledge base system 分布式知识库系统
- intelligent knowledge base system 智能知识库系统
- It is known from the practice that a medium-scale EDSS constructed on microcomputer is entirely possible using VP-EXPERT to make knowledge base system (KBS), LOTUSl-2-3 to make decision support system (DSS) and link them together by BAT. 实践证明,在微机上用VP-EXPERT支撑建造知识库系统,LOTUS1-2-3支撑建造决策支持系统,并用BAT辅以集成中等规模的EDSS是完全可行的。
- Abstract: A knowledge base system(KBS) is designed for thermal barrier coatings(TBCs).The system is composed of original repository, rule base and management system and is managed by multi-user model. 摘要:设计并建立了热障涂层知识库系统,采用多用户的管理模式由知识库管理系统统管整个知识库系统。
- This paper introduces the most of OWL knowledge base systems at present,maintenances an evaluation application for the comparison of these OWL knowledge base systems with a Chinese GUI. 介绍、分析现有OWL知识库,设计并实现一个中文用户界面的评估OWL知识库性能的程序。
- Study of Object-Oriented Digital Circuit Knowledge Base System 面向对象数字电路知识库系统的研究
- Building of the Knowledge Base System for Injection Mould Design 注射模知识库系统的构建
- The applications of artificial intelligence (aI) are revolutionising the chemical industry, especially the branch called "Knowledge Based Systems"(KBS). 人工智能(ai)的应用,尤其是被称作"知识库系统(KBS)"的分支,正在使化学工业发生一场革命。
- AI Artificial Intelligence. Perhaps the next phase of computing. The present forms of AI in computer software are called Expert or Knowledge Based systems. 人工智能。也许是下一代计算机。计算机软件中AI人工智能的现有形式被称为专家系统或知识库系统。
- intelligent knowledge based system 基于知识的智能系统
- Design of A Knowledge Base System for Traffic Law 交通法规知识库系统的设计
- Building Law Knowledge Base System with XML 用XML构造法律知识库系统
- Key word: expert consultant system; gas; knowledge base. 关键词:专家系统、矿井瓦斯、知识库。