- She brought a complaint against her friend. 她控诉她的朋友。
- I lodged a complaint against him with the police. 我向警方呈递诉状控告他。
- Have you lodged complaint against other driver? 你有否向交通部提出投诉对方司机?
- I know nothing about his complaint against you. 他投诉你的事我一点儿也不知道。
- He lodged a complaint against me with the teacher. 他在老师面前告了我一状。
- I believe you have a complaint against one of our nurses. 我认为你对我们的一位护士有怨言。
- I've got a complaint against him. I'll have it out with him. 我已经控告他,我要和他弄出一个结果。
- Our neighbours lodged a complaint against us with the police. 我们的邻居向警方控告我们。
- Da-ge files a complaint against Chang-e.Jing-er exposes Jade Rabbit's identity. 大哥将嫦娥救后羿一幕锁入镜中,欲以此为证上告义和,两人违反不得私恋的天规,必将沦入鬼道。
- I have no complaints against that young man. 我对那个年轻人没有意见。
- Bring a suit against sb; file a complaint against sb; sue; charge; accuse; indict; Bring in an indictment against sb. 控告
- The operation was set off after a complaint against the company was received in August. 警方在八月接获一宗投诉后展开行动。
- Have you ever filed a complaint against a Foreign Exchange Dealer, Securities Broker or Commodities Dealer? 您曾经抱怨过外汇经纪商,或期货交易商?
- Upon receipt of a corruption complaint against a civil servant, will the ICAC inform his Head of Department? 廉署若接获涉及某公务员的贪污举报,会否将举报告知其部门首长?
- One day a man went to the magistrate to lodge a complaint against the secretary. 一天,有人到王鲁这儿控告他的主簿。
- The complaint against Mr.Bookmaker was based on 19th century protectionist French laws. 投诉先生赌注,是根据19世纪贸易保护主义的法国法律。
- Now he's filed a complaint against Child Protective Services, saying it's a case of massive overreaction. 他对儿童保护机构提出不满,说这是严重的过度反应。
- The client may file a complaint against the certification decision within one month after receiving the deci sion. 合约方在收到认证决定后一个月之内可以对认证机构给出的决定提出异议。
- Police swooped on Magni after a tourist filed a complaint against him for carrying a sword. 曾有一位游客对马尼佩戴真剑进行了投诉,警察随即逮捕了马尼。
- An organization ombudsman is an independent, objective investigator of a customer's complaint against the organization. Enbridge的专员调查办公室是专门为客户投诉进行独立,客观的调查的机构。