- complementation of a fuzzy set 模糊集的补集
- The secant of the complement of a directed angle or arc. 余割有向角的余角或弧的余割
- The tangent of the complement of a directed angle or arc. 余切有方向角或弧的补角的正切
- The second complementation of a number for some purpose. 为某种目的求一个数的二次补码的过程。
- Shelves with a full complement of books. 装满补充书籍的架子
- A memorial stone set at the head of a grave. 墓石竖在墓前的纪念性石碑
- A proteome is its full complement of proteins. 蛋白质组是指某一生物的全部蛋白质。
- The cake we made was somewhat of a failure. 我们做的蛋糕不大成功。
- A printout of a program or data set. 清单打印出的程序或数据组
- The type set for printing one side of a leaf. 一页版面为在一面印刷的版面设置
- We've taken on our full complement of new trainees for this year. 我们今年招收的新学员已经满额了。
- An alternate name for a member of a partitioned data set. 一分区数据集中某成员的替换名。
- Complementation of a Product Set 积项集合的补集算法
- A way of producing the negative of a number by obtaining its complement. 一种通过求一个数的补码来得到该数的负数的方法。
- A machine language where the code of the complement of a digit is the complement of the code of the digit. 一种机器语言,其中数字补数的代码为该数字代码的补数。
- Will you partake of a drink with us? 和我们一同喝一杯好吗?
- A sail, such as a jib, set forward of a foremast. 船首帆如三角帆等安装在前桅前方的帆
- Every item shall include a standard complement of accessories and special tools to ensure the normal operation. 为保证设备的正常运转,每个品目都应包括一套标准定额的附件和专用工具。
- He doubles the parts of a farmhand and a miner. 在这出戏里他既扮演雇农又扮演矿工。
- Karyotype The physical appearance of the chromosome complement of a given species. 核型:一个给定物种的染色体所表现出的物理学特征。