- complex dynamic nelwork system 复杂动态网络系统
- Compound-Agent can be used to construct the system with self-adaptability, rapider response and more intelligence, which adapts to the complex dynamic giant system better. 复合代理体可以方便地实现紧密协作、自我学习与共同进化,具有故障诊断和恢复能力,具有较高实时性、容错性和鲁棒性。 可以用于构造新型的具有自适应能力、更快反应速度和更高智能的系统,能更好地适应一类复杂动态大系统的要求。
- From viewpoint of systematology and complexity theory, the petroleum system is an open complex dynamic one. 从系统学和复杂性科学上分析,含油气系统是一个开放的复杂动力系统。
- A complex dynamic quality control system constituted of some subsystems is a very important part in advanced manufacturing systems. 摘要动态质量控制系统是先进制造技术中的一个重要的子系统。
- More rounded presentation is less congested with better delineation during complex dynamic passages. 在播放大动态录音时,现场感更强,不会显得拥挤。
- The algorithm divides a complex dynamic circuit into some linear subcircuits and link branches (linear and nonlinear). 把复杂动态电路分割成若干个线性子电路和一组联络支路(线性和非线性)。
- Complex Dynamic Network Control System 复杂动态网络控制系统
- In order to grasp the hypersonic vehicle models complex dynamic characteristics, a new hypersonic vehicle model method was proposed. 摘要为了掌握高超音速飞机复杂的动态特性,提出了一种研究高超音速飞机模型的新方法。
- a complex dynamic network system 复杂动态网络系统
- This paper describes the complex dynamic wear tests on both outer race of a self-aligning ball bearing and the liners of thrust rings for the kingpost of a hydrofoil. 通过水翼船翼柱自位球面轴承外座圈和止推套环衬垫的复合动载磨损试验,证明青铜在复杂工况下具有良好的耐磨性,可用作轴承外座圈与衬垫的制造材料。
- Abstract Poincare plots (P plot) have been used for detecting the hidden patterns underlying the complex dynamic phenomena of cardiac RR intervals or heart rate variability (HRV). P图用图形跟踪动态过程的轨迹,以分析事物复杂变化的前因与后果[1]。
- Catastrophe theory provides a coherent framework for modelling the complex dynamics of systems. 突变理论为建立系统的复杂动力学模型提供了一个清晰的框架。
- Vortex-induced vibrations of a submarine pipeline and the concomitant scour around the pipeline with close proximity to an erodible seabed are a complex dynamic interaction between current, pipeline and seabed. 摘要海底管道涡激振动和管道周围海床冲刷是海流-管道-海床之间复杂的动力耦合问题。
- Based upon physical background of the concerned model,cellular automaton is suitable to deal with the complex dynamic systems which are difficult to be described quantitatively by mathematical method. 元胞自动机能够基于现象本身的物理机制,对于难以用数学方法定量描述的体系如微观组织的演变等具有良好的适用性。
- Estuaries, the confluence zones between river and sea, show a complex dynamic behavior.Saltwater intrusion can lead to a more or less well-defined salt wedge with associated with density current. 摘要河口位于河与海交界之通道,具有复杂的动力特性,盐分入侵可以导致或多或少的盐楔并伴随著密度流。
- Then it fittingly reflectes the relationship of SMEs in complex dynamics development with the outside world, and research the method of building SMEs, business ecosystem . 更加妥帖、逼近地反映中小企业在发展中与外界纷繁复杂的动态关系,来研究中小企业发展的商业生态系统的构建问题。
- Mother and baby interact in a very complex way. 母亲与婴儿以非常复杂的方式相互影响。
- The authors' model helps us to understand diverse phenomena in negotiation and ultimately illuminates the complex dynamics of what it means to negotiate relationally. 作者提出的模型有助于我们理解谈判中的不同现象,并从根本上解释了造成关联化谈判的复杂动力。
- Some of them developed a great inferiority complex. 他们有些人养成了严重的自卑感。
- My grandmother has a complex against foreigners. 我奶奶对外国人抱有偏见。