- complicated network attacks 复杂攻击
- These many billions of cells are interconnected in a vastly complicated network that we can't begin to unravel as yet. 如此成百成千亿的细胞在一个复杂无比的系统内牵连着,迄今,我们都还无法解开其中的奥秘。
- So, the neurons and glia form a complicated network that participated in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease. 因此,在帕金森病的发病机理中,神经元和胶质细胞共同构成了一个复杂的神经系统网络。
- Disables the Intrusion Detection System, leaving your computer open to network attacks. 禁用入侵检测系统,将您的计算机对网络攻击开放。
- Apoptosis of Pathogenic fungi is a complicated network involving many pathways,regulators and effectors. 致病真菌的凋亡是由许多信号通路、调节因子和效应物质组成的复杂网络。
- To defend against network attacks through packet filtering and the enforcement of trusted communication. 通过数据包筛选和执行信任通信来抵御网络攻击。
- The many billions of brain cells are interconnected in a vastly complicated network that we can't begin to interpret as yet. 千百亿个大脑细胞相互串联在一起,形成了一张我们还无开始解释的极为复杂的网络。
- Think about network attacks, machine attacks, and even attacks from within your own systems. 考虑到网络攻击、机器攻击,甚至从您自己的系统内部发起的攻击。
- But it's difficult to embed the complicated network protocol into embedded system because of the limited resource, especially in 8-bit MCU. 但由于嵌入式系统本身的特点和资源的限制,要集成复杂的网络协议栈,使之成为嵌入式系统的有机组成部分,目前还比较困难,特别是在8位单片机上实现更是困难。
- The program filters inbound and outbound traffic, traces and blocks threats from common network attacks, and lets you use the Internet in Stealth Mode. 计画过滤进出计算机的数据、痕迹和区段共同的网络攻击带来的威胁,而且让你在隐形模态使用英特网。
- ANN is a kind of complicated network with characters of highly non-linear,self-study,dynamic management,associational memory,and tolerance of error,etc. 人工神经网络是一种具有高度非线性、自学习、动态处理、联想记忆、容错性等特征的复杂网络。
- More complicated network setups, for instance with multiple Ethernet interfaces and/or existing bridging setups will require some special configuration. 更为复杂的网络设置,比如更多的网络接口或(并且)桥接才能实现将需要特殊的配置。
- In this article we mainly analyze the theory of a kind of network attacks, Deny of Service attack, narrate a few attack ways, and give an algorithm of anti?DoS attack. ? 主要分析了一种网络攻击(DoS攻击)的原理,讲述了几种具体的攻击方法,并在此基础上给出了防DoS攻击的一种算法。
- Cyber war methods include computer network attack, transmitting computer viruses and other destructive hacking. 网战战法包括;攻击电脑网络系统;发送电脑病毒以及其它破坏性黑客行为.
- Due to continuous network attack, HKHA forum will be closed for maintenance. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. 因不断受到网络攻击,讨论区将暂时关闭以作维修,不便之处,敬请见谅。
- Using WAP-service model accounts for how the resource model is used by the upper application in network management system, the results prove the resource model provides a solid base for the complicated network and services management. 结合WAP业务模型说明资源模型如何在网络管理系统中被上层应用,实践证明资源建模能给复杂的网络管理提供强大的支持。
- His disease was complicated by pneumonia. 他的病因肺炎并发症而变得更严重。
- In the network attack that launched in the light of Estonia 2007, among them a means namely psywar. 在2007年针对爱沙尼亚发起的网络攻击中,其中一个方式即心理战。
- Cyber war methods include computer network attack, tra mitting computer viruses and other destructive hacking. 网战战法包括;攻击电脑网络系统;发送电脑病毒以及其它破坏性黑客行为.
- In order to speed up the convergence of ANN, an analytical technique is used in which the complicated networks are divided into several simple ones. 为了加快神经网络的收敛速度,采用分解网络技术,将一个复杂的网络分解为多个简单的网络。