- Comprehensive application support for customers. 为客户提供完善的应用支持。
- It has comprehensive application foreground and spread value. 具有广泛的应用前景和推广价值。
- The comprehensive application of two methods can assess environ... 两种方法结合起来应用,能全面地进行环境评价。
- Of wider or more comprehensive application; generic. Used of a term or proposition. 包括范围更广的属于更广阔、更广泛的应用的;通用的。用于一个术语或命题
- Logic Of wider or more comprehensive application; generic. Used of a term or proposition. 包括范围更广的:属于更广阔、更广泛的应用的;通用的。用于一个术语或命题
- The process of teaching translation is not only the impartment of skills and methods,but comprehensive application of humanism and culture. 它不仅是翻译技巧和方法的传授过程,而且是人文思想、文化素质的综合培养过程。
- Doped lead titanate (PT) thin film is a pyroelectric thin film that holds excellent property and comprehensive application. 掺杂钛酸铅薄膜是性能优异、应用广泛的热释电薄膜。
- This article mainly discusses on the nutrient and healthy properties, and generally summarizes about the comprehensive application of mulberry leaves. 该文主要从桑叶营养特性和保健特性两方面加以论述,并对桑叶综合利用进行较为全面总结。
- Moreover, the occurance of innovation also relies on the interlace of spheres of knowledge and sometimes comprehensive application of knowledge. 这就是数学和科学起作用的地方。你需要比较眼前的情况和你过去的经验,计算出不同结果的可能性大小。
- Recycling of magnesium alloys scrap was thought as to be important to the comprehensive application of Mg alloys and the continuous development of Mg industry. 镁合金废料回收对于镁合金的规模应用和镁工业的可持续发展具有非常重要的理论意义和实际价值。
- Sade Automation Company has accumulated plenty of experiences in comprehensive application of industrious automation technology under support of Harbin Institute of Technology. 公司依托哈尔滨工业大学,在工业自动化技术的综合应用方面积累了丰富经验。
- Semiclassical approximation has comprehensive applications in modern physics. 在现代物理学中,半经典近似方法有着广泛的应用。
- Liquors were storaged according to its quality,and the quality of production water supply were improved.With the comprehensive application of the above ... 同时量质摘酒分级贮存,改善生产用水质量,多种技术综合利用,有效地提高了浓香型白酒质量。
- The wavelet transform is of good localization property in the domain of time and frequency, which provides a comprehensive application in processing acoustic wave. 小波变换同时有在时间域和频率域对信号进行局部化的特点,使其在声波信号处理中有着广泛的应用前景。
- The paper is intended for a review of the English teaching approaches and methods,and meanwhile for a study of the "Eclectic approaches"-the comprehensive application of various pedagogies-presented by Paul Davies and Eric Pearse. 在回顾英语教学法发展演变的同时,探讨了保罗·戴维斯(PaulDavies)和埃里克·珀尔斯(EricPearse)提出的"选择法"教学模式,即多种教学法的综合应用。
- VOIP is the abbreviation of Voice communication Over IP net. It refers to not merely the IP Phone, but also a comprehensive application platform that provides various multimedia operations including video exchange. VOIP即基于IP网络的语音通信,它不仅是狭义上的IP电话,更是一个能提供包括视频交互在内各种多媒体业务的综合性应用平台。
- More attention are paid to the treatment of high-concentration organic sewage and the comprehensive application of bacteria protein in aspect of fodder, aquatic product, farming, medizine and energy,ete. 主要介绍了日本应用光合细菌处理高浓度有机废水及菌体蛋白在饲料、水产、农业、医药、能源等方面的综合利用成果。
- The method and technolgy of encoding & modulation and the ideal results for "EUROFIX"are useful for comprehensive application of Loran C system in China such as "Changhe 2 and BPL". 它的信号调制、编码技术和方法以及非常理想的实验结果 ,也许对我国“长河二号”、“BPL”综合利用有所借鉴。
- Based on comprehensive application of core observation and analysis data of assay, combining with thin section observation, characteristics of volcanic rock reservoirs in Malang depression is studied. 综合应用岩心观察和化验分析资料,同时结合薄片观察,对马朗凹陷火山岩储层特征进行了细致研究。
- The main component of slag of blast furnace,its harm to environment are introduced,the application of slag in Xuan Steel introduced,some suggestions for its comprehensive application proposed. 分析了宣钢高炉渣的主要成分、对环境的危害,介绍了宣钢高炉渣的应用现状,提出了高炉渣综合利用的建议。