- Wells PS, Anderson DR, Rorrnanins J, et al. Value of assess ment of pretest [J]. Lancet, 1997,350:1795. 宁宁.;循环驱动仪辅助治疗骨折术后下肢肿胀的疗效评价[J]
- In this paper, the adjoint system theory is applied to the guidance accuracy assess ment of the flying vehicle, and the covariance matrix of the impact point deviat ion is solved. 本文根据伴随系统理论,在某飞行器制导工具误差的精度评定中加以实际应用,求出落点偏差的协方差矩阵。
- The assess ment of the task is in terms of outcome 任务的评价取决于结果
- meteorological effect assess ment 气象影响评价
- The picadors for comprehensive assessment are given accelerant to the example. 结合实例说明了灰色聚类分析的一般方法,以及综合评价的步骤。
- Any prospecting report without such comprehensive assessment shall not be approved. 未作综合评价的勘探报告不予批准。
- We need a comprehensive assessment of the recombinant DNA issue, preferably under the auspices of the federal government. 对于重组体DNA问题,我们需要有一个全面的估价,而且最好由联邦政府主办。
- The purpose of comprehensive assessment is to evaluate the index of impact of the whole project to compare all the options and to select the optimum plan. 其目的在于提出方案对环境影响的总指标,以便比选方案及评价方案的优劣。
- Study on Assess Ment of Cannon Barrel Life by Muzzle Velocity of Pill 弹丸初速评定火炮身管寿命研究
- The report is called the Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in agriculture. 该报告被称为农业用水管理综合评估。
- Application of the Fuzzy Set Pair Analysis Way in Landscape Ecological Comprehensive Assessment of Urban Greenland. 模糊集对分析在城市绿地景观生态综合评价中的应用
- Conclusion MNA and MNA-SF both can early and comprehensively assess the nutrition status of CHD patients.Their results has highly consistency. 结论 MNA与MNA-SF均能较早和综合评价血汗管疾病老年人的营养状态,其成果有较高的一致性。
- However, it is not intended as a complete reference for comprehensive assessments conducted by sectorial experts. 但是,本章并不能作为领域专家用来进行全面评估的完整参考。
- Methods A comprehensive assessment method, integration of analogy and quantitative grading method, was applied. 方法采用类比法和定量分级法相结合的原则进行综合评价。
- The application of fuzzing mathematics for safety comprehensive assessment of construction industry is studied. 研究了模糊数学理论在建筑安全综合评价中的应用;并提出了一种定量化的多级综合评判方法.
- The major constraints for routine use of BMP are inadequate clinical trials in humans and the need to comprehensively assess the cost-effectiveness and budget impact of BMP. BMP常规使用受到限制主要是人体临床试验不充分并且需要评估bmp在费用方面跟预算方面的影响。
- This paper suggests a model for comprehensive assessing aging damage extent of irrigation project by fuzzy assemblage theory. 应用模糊集合理论建立了灌区工程老化损坏程度综台评判模型。
- The Delegation held the view that it was appropriate to be engaged in the comprehensive assessment of WIPO's cooperation activities at this stage. 该代表团认为,在本阶段对WIPO的合作活动进行综合评估是恰当的。
- Introduction Assess ment of Pseudolarix amabilis and Psedotsuga menziesii in the Loess Hilly Region of Shaanxi 陕西黄土丘陵区金钱松和花旗松引种效果分析
- It is an advanced subject in the studies on FRD to develop the indicator system of the county-level region forest resources difference and its comprehensive assessment method. 县级区域森林资源差异性评价指标体系和综合评价方法,是森林资源差异性研究的前沿课题。