- The picadors for comprehensive assessment are given accelerant to the example. 结合实例说明了灰色聚类分析的一般方法,以及综合评价的步骤。
- Any prospecting report without such comprehensive assessment shall not be approved. 未作综合评价的勘探报告不予批准。
- We need a comprehensive assessment of the recombinant DNA issue, preferably under the auspices of the federal government. 对于重组体DNA问题,我们需要有一个全面的估价,而且最好由联邦政府主办。
- The purpose of comprehensive assessment is to evaluate the index of impact of the whole project to compare all the options and to select the optimum plan. 其目的在于提出方案对环境影响的总指标,以便比选方案及评价方案的优劣。
- The report is called the Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in agriculture. 该报告被称为农业用水管理综合评估。
- Application of the Fuzzy Set Pair Analysis Way in Landscape Ecological Comprehensive Assessment of Urban Greenland. 模糊集对分析在城市绿地景观生态综合评价中的应用
- Methods A comprehensive assessment method, integration of analogy and quantitative grading method, was applied. 方法采用类比法和定量分级法相结合的原则进行综合评价。
- The application of fuzzing mathematics for safety comprehensive assessment of construction industry is studied. 研究了模糊数学理论在建筑安全综合评价中的应用;并提出了一种定量化的多级综合评判方法.
- The Delegation held the view that it was appropriate to be engaged in the comprehensive assessment of WIPO's cooperation activities at this stage. 该代表团认为,在本阶段对WIPO的合作活动进行综合评估是恰当的。
- It is an advanced subject in the studies on FRD to develop the indicator system of the county-level region forest resources difference and its comprehensive assessment method. 县级区域森林资源差异性评价指标体系和综合评价方法,是森林资源差异性研究的前沿课题。
- The application of the comprehensive assessment method for malnutrition in children under 5 years old of Nationality of Yi. 营养不良综合评价法在5岁以下彝族儿童中的应用
- The application of fuzzing mathematics for safety comprehensive assessment of the construction the engineering in the power plant is studied. 研究模糊数学理论在发电厂建设工程安全综合评价中的应用,并结合安全系统工程原理,提出了一种定量化的多级综合评判方法。
- This is the first time anyone has conducted a comprehensive assessment of what happens when a rhinovirus infects a person. 这是第一次来研究当鼻病毒感染人体时究竟发生了什么事。
- The report is called the Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. It was released Monday at World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden. 该报告题为农业水资源管理的全面评估,在周一被发在瑞典斯德哥尔摩的《世界水源周报》上。
- GIS coupling technology is an effective approach to obtain accurate results about the comprehensive assessment of ecological riparian zone. 摘要生态河岸带综合评价与GIS耦合是实现精确评价的有效手段。
- Risk analysis method applied in safety assessment on tailing pond is discussed and a frame to describe comprehensive assessment results is suggested. 探讨了尾矿库安全评价应该采用的风险分析方法,建议了一个描述综合评价结果的框架。
- The results show that discriminating analysis is effective and convenient for the comprehensive assessment of atmospheric quality. 结果表明,判别分析法用于大气环境质量综合评价是有效简捷的。
- TOPSIS is a method for multiobjective decisionmaking,which can be applied to comprehensive assessment of radiological environmental quality. TOPSIS是一种多目标决策方法,其思想可以用于辐射环境质量综合评价。
- The result of the instance shows that this model can well conduct fuzzy comprehensive assessment based multi-raster data. 实验结果表明,该模型能够较好地解决多源栅格数据的模糊综合评价问题。
- As a result significant hemodynamic parameters were put forward for the comprehensive assessment of the selection and training of top level gymnasts. 为高级体操运动员选材、训练水平的综合评定等提供了血循环动力学指标的重要参数。