- Larger buildings, such as offices, schools and industrial buildings, require more comprehensive programming. 办公楼、学校和工业建筑这些比较大的建筑物,便要求较全面的规划。
- Broadcasting news has usual types of special news and big (or small) plate comprehensive program. 广播新闻常见的形式有:专题性新闻;大(小)板块综合式节目。
- Develop and implement comprehensive program for capacity building in legislative, policy and institutional measures for land degradation management. 发展并开展综合性项目,提高法律和政策的能力建设,增强防止土地退化的法律功能。
- Metro's comprehensive program is made up of the Standard Course, Personalized Course, Business English Course and Courses for Going Abroad. 美联国际英语的课程分为标准课程、个性化课程、商务英语课程和出国英语强化课程。
- The GAUSS System can be described several ways: It is an exceptionally efficient number cruncher, a comprehensive programming language, and an interactive analysis environment. Gauss系统能从以下方面给予描述:它是一个非常有效的数据处理者,一种全面的程序设计语言,一个内部相互作用的分析环境。
- It is suggested by the research that, first, the government should work on a comprehensive program of WiMAX and digital convergence. 四、整合固网与行动通讯的部门将是未来的电信业发展的趋势。
- LPE's comprehensive program is made up of the Standard Course, Personalized Course, Business English Course and Courses for Going Abroad. 专为忙碌的成功人士设计的多元化综合学习课程;为您提供了更贴心;更有效的英语教育.
- Zachary Garber:Hey, they is not crazy, there will be a madman to make arrangements for such a comprehensive program to it? 加博:“嘿,他们可不是疯子,会有疯子能做出这么周详的计划安排吗?”
- The fire's worst scars were effaceable by a comprehensive program of reforestation,a signal too loud to be erasable in a single pass through the erase head. 最严重的火灾痕迹可以通过全面的再造林计划予以消除,太大了的声音不能通过消音磁头一次给抹去。
- However, very few companies have enough talent in this area. To the competing financial institutions to provide structured and comprehensive program for a full assessment. 然而,几乎很少有公司具备足够的这方面的人才,来对相互竞争的金融机构所提供的结构化方案作出全面而充分的评估。
- Beijing maintains the world's largest and most comprehensive program of incentives promoting foreign sales, and Chinese officials have shown no signs of reducing them. 北京维持着全球最大和最全面的海外促销计划,而中国官员们并没有表现出削弱这个计划的迹象。
- Must participate in the rural community public security comprehensive program of public order positively, advances the countryside to construct safely solidly. 要积极参与农村社会治安综合治理,扎实推进农村平安建设。
- Typically, a residence does not require very comprehensive programming or study. The potential owner or occupant may do nothing more than describe his desires to an architect or builder, who then translate them into design sketches. 在通常情况下,住宅不需要很全面的规划或研究。未来的房主或住户或许只对建筑师或施工人员描绘一下他的愿望,然后他们就把它变成设计图纸。
- We offer comprehensive programs and services which draw on our industry specific knowledge and technical expertise. 我们通过汲取行业专门知识与技术专长,向客户提供全面的计划与服务。
- ARMONK, NEW YORK, August 12, 2002 -- IBM today announced a comprehensive program that is designed to help customers′ transition from the Sun Solaris platform to the Linux operating system on IBM eServer machines. 纽约市阿蒙克,2002年8月12日--今天,IBM公布了其全面计划,帮助用户在IBM eServer机器上实现从Sun solaris平台到Linux操作系统的过渡。
- However, in order to adequately fund comprehensive programs that work to combat homelessness at its source, private charitable support is needed. 然而,为了充分地资助从源头上对付无家可归的全面计划,我们需要私人慈善支持。
- Supported by Association Francois-Xavier Bagnoud, we prepare to build a new program -- a comprehensive program providing holistic support to orphans and vulnerable children in Te Mu Li Township, Bu Tuo County, Liang Shan, Si Chuan. 在弗朗索瓦-克萨维埃-巴努协会的资助下,凉山妇女儿童发展中心准备在凉山州布拖县特木里镇开展全方位救助孤儿和弱势儿童的的综合项目。
- The reporter has made a comprehensive report. 记者已做了全面的报道。
- These vary from short courses on specific subjects, such as fundraising and media training, to more comprehensive programmes, such as humane education courses. 這些課程從短期特殊主題課程,如募款與媒體訓練,到較具理解性之課程,如人道教育課程,都有。
- He was educated at the local comprehensive school. 他曾在地区的综合中学受教育。