- comprehensive test exploration 综合试验探测
- The final will be a comprehensive test. 期末考是没有范围的。
- The teacher set the class a comprehension test. 老师对全班同学进行了一次理解力测验。
- Reading comprehension test : cloze test. 阅读能力测验.
- Engine comprehensive test instrument used for mainframe computer with a color monitor, printer. 发动机综合测试仪采用计算机为主机配有彩色显示器、打印机。
- Einsun jumps to the first place in credit in the comprehensive test for the amount of annual examination in Southwest China. 爱因森国际综合考场年考量考试信誉度跃居西南第一。
- China has taken an active part in the negotiations on CTBT, with a view to concluding a comprehensive test ban treaty no later than 1996. 中国积极参加关于全面禁止核试验协议的谈判,争取不迟于1996年达成协议。
- If your projects have comprehensive test suites, congratulations; you re producing good-quality software that has some hope of working. 如果您的项目有全面的测试套件,那么恭喜您:您将制作出质量良好的、有利于工作的软件。
- Experimental results indicate that the technology is an effective way to implement the comprehensive test of the multiband laser peak power. 实验结果表明:这项技术是实现多波段脉冲激光峰值功率综合测试的有效方法,具有良好的推广应用前景。
- The best means of the hopping radio test is using comprehensive test system to take the place of traditional test instruments. 摘要目前跳频电台的最好的检测方式是采取综合测试系统代替传统的测试仪器。
- China has signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapon and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty,and faithfully fulfilled the obligations set by the two treaties. 中国已先后签署了《不扩散核武器条约》和《全面禁止核试验条约》,并忠实地履行了这两个条约规定的义务。
- Maintain a set of comprehensive tests throughout the life cycle of the system. 请在系统的整个生命周期维护一组综合性测试。
- In parallel with the Web services development, incrementally developing a comprehensive test suite to capture potential interoperability issues is a best practice. 与开发Web服务一起,不断开发复杂的测试工具包来捕捉潜在的互操作问题是一个很好的实践。
- Relatively comprehensive test study on the strength capacity of the reinforced concrete beam under bending moment, shear force and axial tensile force was carried out. 摘要对弯、剪、轴拉复合受力状态下钢筋混凝土梁的承载能力进行试验研究。
- China has signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapon and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, and faithfully fulfilled the obligations set by the two treaties. 中国已先后签署了《不扩散核武器条约》和《全面禁止核试验条约》,并忠实地履行了这两个条约规定的义务。
- That is because of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty which, as its name suggests, forbids contracted parties from letting off nuclear explosives in peacetime. 那也是因为全球核导弹试验禁令条约的签订造成的,就如其名,这个条约禁止合约方在和平时期引爆核武器。
- By using thermobalance and coal comprehensive test instrument,the coal ignition information of both the kindling point and the burning time were studied. 结果表明:该方法重现性好,煤焦中含灰越高,着火所需时间越长。
- Objective: To test explore the significance of curved reformation multislice CT to the diagnosis of periampullary cancer. 目的:探讨多层螺旋CT曲面重建对壶腹周围癌诊断的可行性。
- Currently HSK is a comprehensive test system catering to various levels of the Chinese learners, including HSK Basic, HSK Elementary-Intermediate and HSK Advanced. 现在,HSK已经形成了一个包括HSK[基础]、HSK[初、中等]和HSK[高等]的水平由低到高的,完整的考试系统。
- SCII is equipped with an up-to date comprehensive test lab, which can be used to check various parameters for our parts of relays, contractors, transformers and photo-controls. SCII拥有现代化的综合实验室,可以完成对继电器、接触器、变压器、光控器等产品的各项技术参数测试,确保为客户提供优质产品。