- Cybercrime is a growing problem in the computer age. 于此电脑时代,网路犯罪已成日益猖獗的问题。
- We are living in the computer age, there is no room for the feelings! 我们生活在计算机时代,根本没有感情的空间!
- Artificial Intelligence is a dream when human being develops into computer age. 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)是人类发展到计算机时代的又一个梦想,为知识学习和获取自动化、知识表达方式普适性、搜索求解高效率和全局化、智能体活化于环境等多个方面系统提供了可能。
- JohnT. (1984), The Role of School Teachers in the Computer Age, Shirnozawa. Saitama university, Japan . 余政光(1984);资讯教育现况与展望;资讯与中小学教育研究会;.
- The Rosetta Stone, an unbreakable encryption security program that will make them kings of the computer age. 专门作盗版软件勾档的高科技奇才彼撒为了得到钜富,不择手段,杀死其中一名程式设计员,以将程式据为己有。
- Meyer refused to enter the computer age, he has always insisted handwritten form. 迈尔拒绝进入电脑时代,他一直坚持手写的方式。
- It’s the computer age, but we’re still up there doing pieces about Peking Opera and peddler’s cries. 现在是电脑时代,但是我们还是一直表演京剧和小商小贩的打闹。
- The ideal division of labor in the computer age is very clear: The computer should do the work, and the person should do the thinking. 理想的人机分工是很明确的,计算机就是用来干事情的,而人是考虑如何干事情的。
- When the computer age arrived, without shedding a single drop of blood, Santana was overthrown by Virtual Reality alone. 电脑时代到临后,兵不血刃,仅仅一个虚拟实境就革了桑塔那的老命。
- Somebody is fatidical even at that time: As the arrival of computer age, chinese may disappear gradually!Chinese may disappear gradually!! 那个时候有人甚至预言:随着电脑时代的到来,中文可能会逐渐消失!”
- Some of the pioneers of the computer age, such as mathematician Alan M.Turing, tried using asynchronous designs to build machines in the early 1950s. 电脑时代的某些先锋,像是数学家涂林就曾在1950年代初尝试用非同步设计来建造机器。
- J.K.Rowling, once publishing's greatest holdout against the computer age, has made all six Potter novels available for audio downloads. 罗琳曾经是出版界最著名的坚决抵制电脑时代的人,然而最近她却授权在网络上提供6本哈利波特系列小说的语音下载。
- The idea of stored programs in telephone switching is not new. Even before the computer age the telephone switching systems embodied the elements of computer control. 在电话交换中程序控制并不是新想法。在计算机产生之前,电话交换系统已使用了计算机的控制原理。
- For a while it looked as though the making of semiconductors, which America had invented and which sat at the heart of the new computer age, was going to be the next casualty. 人们曾经一度感觉下一个在海外品牌面前全军畏没的似乎该轮到美国的半导体制造业了,而半导体,这崭新的计算机时代的核心,其发明者却正是美国人。
- For a while it looked as though the making of semiconductors, which America had which sat at the heart of the new computer age, was going to be the next casualty. 因为有时候美国的半导体制造业看上去好象是下个受害者,而半导体制造业是美国计算机时代的核心。
- The advent of the “computer age” has greatly altered, not only the availability of information, but also the manner in which it is identified and acquired. “计算机时代”的到来不仅极大地改变了信息的可用性,而且也极大地改变了识别和获取信息的方式。
- Java carves out what Sun calls a "virtual Java machine" within the software of each of these computer systems, thus getting around an irksome problem that has bedeviled programmers and users since the dawn of the computer age: incompatibility. Java在这些系统软件中创建出一个Sun公司所称的“虚拟Java系统”,这样就避开了自进入计算机时代就一直困挠着编程员和用户的讨厌问题:不兼容。
- The second generation of learner's dictionaries published in the computer age generally mark collocations in bold,but the collocational information they provide is neither detailed nor systematic. 本文论证,对于英语学习者而言,搭配的重要性不亚于语法,下一代学习词典将以对搭配信息的详细、系统处理作为新的设计特征。
- Hard copy is computer output on paper, printing or graphics. 硬拷贝是出现在纸上、印刷上或图表上的电脑输出。
- The computer has a normal qwerty keyboard. 这台计算机有标准的英文键盘。