- Theparameters of cardiac function and ventricular volume were collected by gated single-photon emission computed tomography system ( ADAC Co.) 分析心衰患者心率(HR),收缩压(SBP),HR×SBP,LVEF,左室舒张未容积美托洛尔治疗慢性,讼力衰竭临床研究(EDV),左室收缩未容积(ESV),左室每搏量(SV),心输出量(CO),心脏指数(CI)的特点,以及治疗前后的变化。
- A Laimu Se Jide team using computer tomography technology, the inner ear can detect Sela Mu-regulatory system, it is important to maintain the balance organs. 阿莱姆塞吉德的团队利用计算机断层成像技术,能够探测塞拉姆内耳的半规管系统,这是维持平衡的重要器官。
- Design and Implementation of Electrical Impedance Tomography System. 电阻抗成像系统的设计和实现。
- computer tomography system 计算机化X射线断层扫描仪
- An X-rav High-Resolution Detector Technique for Computer Tomography[J]. 引用该论文 魏彪;周密;米德伶;潘英俊;陈伟民;于渝.
- Optical Coherence Tomography System with SLD and Ultrashort Pulse Laser[J]. 引用该论文 陈炜;薛平;袁韬;谌一;陈瓞延.
- Methods:Cranial computer tomography(CT)and transcranial Doppler(TCD)were performed in 38 patients. 方法:采用头颅CT 影像技术及经颅多普勒(TCD) 技术对38 例患者分别进行两项检测。
- Brain computed tomography showed multiple metastasis of the brain. 黑色素细胞癌主要治疗方式为手术切除。
- Orbital computer tomography showed lens subluxation caused by spontaneous massive bleeding of necrotic tumor. 巨量的玻璃体出血涌向前房进而形成前房完全出血;
- Abdominal computer tomography revealed a few enlarged perirectal fascial lymph nodes with no para-aortic lymph node. 电脑断层检查显示有直肠旁淋巴结但并无动脉旁淋巴结。
- All nasolacrimal ducts could be clearly displayed with axial computer tomography. 显影的泪囊和鼻泪管可分为双侧含气影、双侧黏膜影、一侧含气一侧黏膜影。
- Computed tomography (CT) introduced in the United States. 计算机辅助的断层扫描(CT)被引入美国.
- Computed tomography scan is used to evaluate focal neurologic sig . CT扫描用于检查局灶性神经病学体征。
- Computed tomography( CT) introduced in the United States. 计算机辅助的断层扫描(T)引入美国.
- Postoperative computer tomography scan done in 2 patients confirmed complete extirpation of the nidus. 术后有2名患者进行CT扫描证实病灶完全切除。
- This paper describes the application of LCT (Laser Computed Tomography) to diesel spray research.An experimental system is developed and the relevant problems are discussed. 摘要围绕激光CT技术在柴油机喷雾测试上的应用进行研究,开发了一套柴油机喷雾的激光CT测试系统。
- To evaluate the value of incremental dynamic enhanced computer tomography(CT) in diagnosis of solitary pulmonary nodules(SPN). 摘要目的评价同层CT动态增强扫描技术在肺孤立性结节诊断中的价值。
- The special setting for precise positioning of the X-ray source in industrial Computed Tomography(ICT) system has been made,and the testing program has been developed. 为了实现工业CT系统射线源的精确定位,设计了射束中心位置测试专用装置,并开发了测试程序。
- Objective To investigate the role of computer tomography (CT) in diagnosis and staging of primary ovarian cacinoma (POC). 摘要目的探讨CT对原发性卵巢癌的诊断及其分期的价值。
- The corrosion of tubes and tube sheets for a chlorine gas condenser in a chemical plant was studied using industrial computer tomography(ICT). 应用工业计算机断层扫描成像(ICT)技术研究了某厂氯气冷凝器管板、列管以及焊接处的腐蚀情况.