- Striving to overcome in argument; combative. 好争议的努力争取在争论中获胜的; 好战的
- An assertion put forward in argument. 论点论证中提出的主张
- She likes to strive with me in argument. 她总爱和我争论。
- They wasted no time in argument about what to do. 他们没有把时间浪费在辩论该做何事上。
- I'll break a lance with you in argument. 我要和你辩论,一决胜负。
- He is just and fair in argument. 吴教授持论公允。
- I landed myself in argument with him. 我使自己陷于和他争吵的尴尬境地。
- No one can match him in argument. 在辩论上没有人可以跟他相提并论。
- No one can match with him in argument. 论辩论,谁也比不过他。
- To engage in argument by discussing opposing points. 辩论(通过讨论对立的观点)
- It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument. 想要通过争论去战胜无知的人是不可能的。
- Freezing that ratio in place in perpetuity is something China would only concede in response to other inducements. 要把中美这个比例永久冻结在现在这个水平上,不给中国其他回报,他们是不会答应的。
- Though England rued their profligacy in front of goal that they did not concede in Hargreaves' two games proves the importance of him in the destroyer role. 当哈格里夫斯缺席时,英格兰挥霍了相当一部分的机会,这也从另一个角度反映出哈格里夫斯作为中场拦截者的关键性。
- However, Milan refused to concede in any space and continued to be dangerous on the break as the Nerazzurri threw players forward in hope of an equaliser that was never to come. 米兰在球场上寸土不让,并且始终保持着对对方球门的威胁,蓝黑军团大举压上进攻,但是直到终场哨响也没能扳平比分。
- An opponent who is known to go for the jugular in arguments. 在辩论中以犀利有力而有名的对手
- After lunch Hung-chien returned to his room, complaining that Hsin-mei was too soft in the way he had given in to Li at every, turn."Your tendency to concede in order to accommodate everyone is really getting us nowhere! 午饭后,鸿渐回到房里,埋怨辛楣太软,处处让着李梅亭:“你这委曲求全的气量真不痛快!
- You are also great at poking holes in arguments and common beliefs. 你对于在辩论或公众信仰中插入话题发掘漏洞也很擅长。
- Something, such as a point previously claimed in argument, that is later conceded. 让步开始坚持而后来又放弃的事物,如在辩论中开始坚持的论点
- The letter was probably written for polemical impact.The purpose of the letter was to result in argument. 这封信可能是为了造成争论性影响而写的。
- It was no longer enough to be plausible in argument; one had to be convincing in action. 仅仅是嘴巴上能说会道的就不够了;还必须要在行动上令人信服。