- You dealt with an awkward situation very tactfully. 你很巧妙地处理了一个困难的局面。
- Tact consists in knowing how far we may go too far. 机智在于知道自己可以过分到什么程度。
- You must concede that I have tried my best. 你必须承认我已经尽力了。
- Her patience and tact were legendary. 她的耐心和机智是出名的。
- The advice wasn't very tactfully worded. 这份通知措辞不太策略。
- We admire her for her diplomatic tact. 我们佩服她的外交手腕。
- You need a lot of tact to be an air hostess. 当空中小姐言行需十分得体。
- The hostess presided at table with tact and urbanity. 女主人招待客人进餐时风雅而又得体。
- She showed great tact in dealing with a tricky situation. 她处理棘手的局面表现得十分老练。
- He showed tact in dealing with difficult customers. 他在应付难对付的顾客时表现老练。
- A minister of foreign affairs has to have tact. 外交部长必须机智老练。
- We reposed great trust in his tact and discretion. 我们极为信任他的机智和谨慎。
- I am not about to concede the point. 我一点也不认同这个观点
- I am force to concede that she may be right. 我不得不承认可能是她对。
- He deal with the unlucky situation tactfully. 他很巧妙地应付了一个尴尬局面。
- Lacking tact, refinement, or taste. 粗野的缺乏机智、文雅或品味的
- I'll concede you are not as bigoted as some. 我承认你不象有些人那么顽固。
- We cannot concede any of our territory. 我们决不能放弃1寸国土。
- I was forced to concede that she might is right. 我不得不承认可能是她对.
- Does he possess the necessary patience and tact to do the job well? 他有做好这项工作必备的耐性和应变能力吗?