- Embodies the concept of personal honor and the honor of socialism, national unity and collective honor. 社会主义荣辱观体现了个人荣辱与国家、民族和集体荣辱的统一。
- Our party put forward the concept of Socialism in Primary Stage in this stage, but not have any profound and general elucidationes in theory. 这一阶段,我们党先后三次提出社会主义初级阶段的概念,但尚未从理论上作出全面而深刻的阐述。
- Honor and disgrace concept of socialism incarnates patriotism and socialism, which is similar to the political basis of patriotic unity routine of war. 社会主义荣辱观充分体现了爱国主义和社会主义,与爱国统一战线的政治基础一致;社会主义荣辱观强调团结互助,与爱国统一战线的主题相同;
- "Eight-eight Shame" will fully absorb the spirit of the times, and the rich content, sharing concept of socialism with distinct characteristics of the times. “八荣八耻”充分吸收了时代精神的丰富内涵,使社会主义荣辱观具有鲜明的时代特征。
- The core value system of socialism is the basis for constructing socialism and harmonious society and provides ideological and moral foundation for the concept of harmony. 社会主义核心价值体系是建设和谐文化、构建社会主义和谐社会的根本和基础,为和谐理念提供了及时的思想道德基础。
- Honor and disgrace concept of socialism emphasizes holding together and helping mutually, which is consistent with the topic of patriotic unity routine of war. 社会主义荣辱观强调团结互助,与爱国统一战线的主题相同;
- Nowadays, to understand exposition of Marx on production purpose of socialism, has a significance on carrying out the scientific concept of development. 在今天,深刻理解马克思的论述,坚持社会主义的生产目的,对于贯彻以人为本的科学发展观具有重要的意义。
- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他对社会制度的问题保持沉默。
- Chinese Academy of Social Sciences researcher at the Institute of Economic Research Han-Meng JEC affirmed the concept of practical significance. 中国社会科学院经济研究所研究员韩孟肯定了JEC这一概念的现实意义。
- Who originated the concept of stereo sound? 立体声是谁发明的?
- The concept of criminalization itself is a contradictory entity, this kind of contradiction has reflected the complexity of social life. 犯罪化概念本身是一个矛盾统一体,这种矛盾反映了社会生活的复杂性。
- Based on the concept of social harmfulness,the traditional theory of criminal law in China is accordingly termed as the "theory of social harmfulness". 社会危害性是我国传统刑法学的基石性概念,因此我国传统的刑法理论被称之为社会危害性理论。
- He is totally ignorant of social usage. 他对社会习俗一无所知。
- Human ecology is a branch of social science. 人文生态学是社会科学的一个分支。
- Misappropriating the theories of social science. 不正确地使用社会科学的理论
- Due to the influence of the traditional concept of efficiency, lack of social capital, localism and cultural conflict, building of harmonious regions has been arduous in China. 由于传统效率观的影响、社会资本缺乏、地方博弈和文化冲突,使我国和谐区域建设步履艰难。
- I have no conception of what you mean. 我想不出你的意思是什么。
- Possibly the same is true of social work? 社会福利工作可能也是这样的吧?
- We hope that through the intergrated service activity, students will feel the different cultures, expend thier horizons and put the concept of social work into effect. 冀望能通透深入而完整的服务形式,带领同学体验认识不同文化、拓展生命视野,更落实服务学习理念!
- William Morris was one of the early prophets of socialism. 威廉·莫里斯是社会主义的早期鼓吹者之一。