- concrete conditioning wall 混凝土空调墙
- Make concrete analysis of concrete conditions. 具体问题具体分析.
- First I want to check the concrete conditions. 我想先核实一下一些具体情况。
- Two concrete conditions in neutralizing three of Nanning. 南宁二中和三中的具体情况。
- Concrete analysis of concrete conditions is the living soul of Marxism. 马克思主义的活的灵魂,就是具体地分析具体情况。
- Analysts should judge the reasonability of the price/earnings according to the concrete conditions. 分析者应该根据具体情况来判断价格与收益比的合理性。
- But whether we can be certain of holding them depends not on our subjective desires but on concrete conditions. 然而究竟能否确定地保卫不失,不决定于主观的愿望,而决定于具体的条件。
- Lenin said that the most essential thing in Marxism, the living soul of Marxism, is the concrete analysis of concrete conditions. 列宁说:马克思主义的最本质的东西,马克思主义的活的灵魂,就在于具体地分析具体的情况。
- It embraces two aspects--universal truth and the integration of that truth with a country's concrete conditions. 它包含两个方面,一方面叫普遍真理,另一方面叫结合本国实际。
- We said last year that this discussion should be related to reality and that problems should be solved in the light of concrete conditions. 去年我们说,各地对于这个问题的讨论要结合实际,要结合具体情况解决问题。
- I should like to make one more point for our friends. In our experience we have found that it is no easy job to integrate the universal truth with concrete conditions. 我还想向朋友们讲一点,根据我们的经验,普遍真理与具体实际,二者结合很不容易。
- Proceeding from its concrete conditions, China has adopted various measures to rehabilitate addicts, taking compulsory measures as the main principle. 中国从国情出发,以强制戒毒为主体,采取多种办法帮助吸毒人员戒除毒瘾。
- If the universal truth had not been integrated with the concrete conditions of China or had been poorly integrated,we would have suffered great losses. 如果普遍真理不与中国的实际相结合,或者结合得不好,那么就会造成很大的损失。
- Lenin said that the most essential thing in Marxism,the living soul of Marxism,is the concrete analysis of concrete conditions. 列宁说过,马克思主义的最本质的东西,马克思主义的活的灵魂,就在于具体地分析具体的情况。
- Proceeding from its concrete conditions,China has adopted various measures to rehabilitate addicts,taking compulsory measures as the main principle. 中国从国情出发,以强制戒毒为主体,采取多种办法帮助吸毒人员戒除毒瘾。
- A concrete wall is built to stop silt from leaking to the conservation land. 一道水泥墙修筑起来,用以防止泥沙流进保留地。
- Being inserted or imposed from without, it is not supposed to have a working relationship to the concrete conditions of the situation. 这种从外部插入或强加的目的,对情境的具体情况没有工作关系。
- Every rigid aim just because it is rigidly given seems to render it unnecessary to give careful attention to concrete conditions. 每一个呆板的目的,只是因为它是硬性规定的,似乎就不必审慎注意具体的情况。
- The nec essary and the inportance to strengthen water saving irrigation are discaussed w ith the concrete conditions in this paper. 本文结合本省具体情况,论述了加强节水灌溉的必要性和重要性,并阐述了节水灌溉的多项措施。
- With analysing and researching of the concrete conditions,the working sequence and mediation method to the glory-hole blockage is put fo... 针对紫金山金矿溜井具体情况进行分析,提出了溜井堵塞后疏通的工作程序和疏通方法。