- She heard his footsteps clacking along the concrete pavement. 她听到他的脚步声啪嗒啪嗒地沿水泥人行道走去。
- The cement concrete pavement is one of both high-type pavements. 水泥混凝土路面是两大高级路面类型之一。
- The problem of cement concrete pavement repair was studied. 对水泥混凝土路面修复问题进行了研究。
- Iron board flaps the concrete pavement, emitting jingling discord. 铁板拍打水泥路面的声音,嘈杂刺耳。
- She walked on the concrete pavement, her footsteps clacking on the ground. 她走在水泥路上,脚步落在地面上发出噼啪声。
- Technical Specifications for Construction of Highway Cement Concrete Pavements II. 公路水泥混凝土路面施工技术规范2。
- The cracking of concrete pavements is merely a nuisance, but cracks in roads, bridges and buildings are a hazard. 混凝土路面开裂还只是一种滋扰,但道路,桥梁和建筑物开裂就成为一种隐患。
- Through the analyses of the skidproof and wearable cement concrete pavements the countermeasures are given. 通过分析水泥砼路面抗滑、耐磨性的影响因素,介绍了水泥砼路面抗滑、耐磨性的技术条件及措施。
- By the comparison, polyurethane modified by organosilicon is the better sealant fitting the cement concrete pavements of china. 通过综合比较,确认有机硅改性聚氨酯是比较适合中国公路情况的填缝材料。
- At last a probabilistic method of structure design of concrete pavement with LCB is advanced. 论文还提出了贫混凝土基层混凝土路面的概率型结构设计方法。
- Moreover the isogram chart of countrywide maximum temperature gradient of concrete pavements with frequency of 2% is plotted. 并且绘制了全国2%25频率水泥混凝土路面最大温度梯度等值线图。
- The quality control of asphalt concrete pavement of high grade highway involves layers of cushion, base and surface. 高等级公路沥青混凝土路面施工质量控制包括垫层、基层和面层施工质量控制。
- Finally,using the asphalt overlay construction technology to repair cement concrete pavement is brought forwar. 最后,提出水泥混凝土路面修复过程的沥青加铺层的施工技术。
- The paper discussed the reason of ruleless break in cement concrete pavement, and put forward the preventing measures. 本文就水泥混凝土路面无规则断裂的原因进行了讨论,并提出了一些防治措施。
- Analysis is made on the formations of the crake and broken slab in cement concrete pavement, and given the precautions. 通过对水泥混凝土路面裂缝和断板病害产生原因的分析,从设计和施工方面提出防治措施。
- The main distresses of cement concrete pavement are transverse cracking, irregular surface cracking and joint failures. 水泥混凝土路面最常见的病害主要是断板、表面的不规则裂缝和裂缝处的损坏。
- Discussion is made on the current situation and development of concrete pavements in our province, and given the problems in rebuilding and enlargement. 阐述了我省水泥混凝土路面的现状和发展前景,提出了水泥混凝土路面在改建和扩建中存在的问题。
- Combined with the practice and the experts' advice, the paper discussed main points of bitumen concrete pavement construction. 根据笔者在祁临高速公路沥青砼路面施工中的实践经验,结合一些路面专家的建议,总结了沥青砼路面施工的几个要点。
- The causes of cracks on cement concrete pavement is analyzed systematically and relevant preventive %26 control measures are put forward. 系统分析水泥混凝土路面裂缝产生的原因,并提出相应的预防及控制措施。
- How to prevent the appearance of reflection cracks after the cement concrete pavement is covered by the asphalt concrete mixture? 如何防治水泥混凝土路面上加铺沥青混凝土面层后产生的反射裂缝?